19: Confused

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Jimin sits on the bed with Aoi's wallet in his hand and smiles to himself. When Yoongi bursts into the room. He passes Jimin a questioning gaze while pointing his finger at the door.

"Why did I just see Rose going out of the door just now?" He asks and Jimin was about to speak when they hear muffled noises from inside the bathroom.

Both of them exchange glances and walk towards it with a gun in their hands. Yoongi opens it and both of their eyes widen to see the man in the bathtub.

His hands were tied with a belt and he had a sock in his mouth. His forehead was bruised and he was crying badly. "What is Richard doing here?" Yoongi questions and Jimin's eyes widen.

"This is Richard?" Yoongi nods. Jimin rushes back to the bedroom and takes Aoi's wallet in his hands. He opens it and finds plenty of visiting cards in it.

Visiting cards of lawyer, artist, doctor, fashion designer, many more with the name Rose written on it. Jimin fumes in anger and shuts his eyes before standing up and running towards the window.

The old man gets down of the car counting cash and Taehyung approaches Aoi.

Jimin stares at Aoi, watches her walking out to go with someone that isn't him, and he feels like he's about to cry on the spot.

He doesn't cry. He's not a crier.

His past lovers never made him cry in all the years he loved them, in all that time and on all those night's he's watched them go home with whichever fucking flavour of the month they were using as their own personal flack-jacket.

He has never felt like this and it's now, right now, this exact second that he realises he is in love with Lee Aoi.

Damn, is it even her real name?

And then it is immediately after, in that exact second, that he realises that he has lost her.

He pushes his hands through his hair, shakes his head, tries to steady himself, breathing for a second, then he pushes past Yoongi to get to the exit.

Yoongi's charging after him because he's irrational about Aoi, like he owes her shit. Jimin can't be bothered with fighting with him but he knows it's coming anyway.

He punches a wall a couple of times and he doesn't need that doctor he loves, here to tell him that he's broken a knuckle.

"Fuck!" He screams and punches it again anyway.


Aoi smiles to herself while doing something on the laptop before closing it. "I've distributed the money in the accounts."

"What about us, babe?" Jungkook asks while driving and she smiles lifting the box. "I brought this along with me. This will be for us."

She turns to her side to look at Taehyung staring at her. "What are you looking at?"

"I'll be honest, I was skeptical about both of your relationship at first." Taehyung says. "Seeing Jimin, I wouldn't put it past him to marry someone else in your life."

A concrete block formed in Aoi's chest.

"We are in different fields," she murmurs. "So there is no chance of us getting together.'

"Yes, but I've seen the way he looks at you." Taehyung says and continues. "It's not hatred."

She was wrong, but that didn't stop her pulse from spiking with anticipation. "How does he look at me?"

Jungkook smiles while driving and saying. "Like he never wants to look away."

Aoi looks in front and Taehyung chuckles. She glares at the two of them. "Oh my God! Babe! This is the first time I'm seeing you blush! Damn! That Jimin got you wrapped in his fingers."

Aoi's not like that. Sometimes she's sad for no good reason. Sometimes she wants to sit in silence, thinking about the passage of time, and how painful it is to remember the best and worst moments that have come and gone so swiftly.

Then she'd rather be with her friends, because she knows they feel the same way as her. The three of them are alike inside as well as on the outside. For better or worse, they are neither sweet nor always happy.

The only time she sees a part of herself in warmth is when she is with Jimin. Then she sees that though Jimin may not be dark himself, he understands now and fear.

He sees the beauty in damaged and disturbing things. That's why he understands her and loves her. It's why he understands her.

"Let's first focus on the Sunday ball first."


Three updates. Next will be the main event of the story. Woohoo.

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