17: Outsmarting

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Aoi sits on the dining table of Richard's house. Richard brings her a glass of water and she thanks him.

"You're gorgeous. I must say." He says and takes a seat in front of her. "Thank you. You are handsome as well."

"I have never seen someone as beautiful as you." He says and she looks at him with a smile.

I never trust a playboy, But they love me.

"Thank you so much for helping me out back there. I don't know what the two men would've done to me if you didn't rescue me." She says in panic.

Richard smiles at her. "It was easy as hell. When I saw them pulling your purse I ran to you. They didn't even know how to fight and ran away."

"That's because we let you win, idiot!" Jungkook barks through Aoi's earpiece but she stays calm in front of Richard.

So I fly him all around the world, And I let them think they saved me.

"Where's the restroom? I want to use it." She says and he stands up.

"The one in this floor isn't working so would you mind coming to my bedroom. You can use that one." He says. She nods before following him.

They never see it comin' , What I do next.

They enter the bedroom and Richard turns around only to be hit by Aoi's gun on his head. He groans and falls to the ground.

She pulls his body towards the restroom and closes it. She pulls his body towards the bathtub before throwing him there.

"Are you tossing the man away?" Taehyung asks through the earpiece and Jungkook scoffs. "This is how the world works. You gotta leave before you get left."

Aoi walks back to the bedroom and her eyes land on his laptop. She opens it and turns it on. She unlocks it and thankfully it has no password.

She moves to the history tabs. "Taehyung! Start now!" She says and Taehyung works on his laptop inside the car.

Aoi sees a screen appear on her laptop and she frowns. "He has a PIN. Ask him that." Taehyung says and she sighs before going back to the restroom.

Richard squirms in his place while holding his head and she pulls his collars. "What's the PIN of your account?" She asks and he glares at her.

"Why would I say it to you?" He barks and she smirks. She goes to the shelf and takes out the boxes of condoms. She looks at the box in disgust and throws it away in the dustbin.

He says, "Don't throw away a good thing." Aoi glares at him before approaching him. She bends down and points the razor at his crotch.

"No! I'm telling. It's 6327. Don't do this. Please!" Richard cries and she stands up when she hears the door of the bedroom slam open. She turns back to face Ricard and hits him on the head again causing him to lose consciousness.


"Shit! We still didn't have the funds transferred!"

Aoi smirks listening to them and looks at Richard before playing some tricks on him.

She exits the bathroom when Jimin points his gun at her. "This is KIA. Hands on your head."

Aoi looks at Jimin's cold eyes and then at his gun. "That's the new IBM Selective. . ." She says and walks past him to reach the bed but he tightens his grip on the gun. "Put your hands on your head, Rose."

". . . Print type in five seconds . . ."

"Shut up!" Jimin yells walking over to the bed with the gun pointing at her.

But she continues describing the weapon while entering the PIN she just heard from Richard. Taehyung starts the fund transfer as millions of dollars from Richard's account gets transferred out.

". . . Just pop out the ball."

"Put your hands on your head! Put your hands—" Jimin screams when she stands up and walks up to the study table and speaks again. "You know he's got over 200 cheques here."

"Hands on your head!"

Both of them talking at the same time, ignoring each other's words. Aoi picks up an envelope and reads it while Jimin points his gun at her. "Even has little payrolls addressed to himself."

"Put it down! Drop it!"
"Relax!" Aoi screams and Jimin glares at her. She smiles and holds the envelope before looking into Jimin's eyes and saying confidently.

"You're late, alright? My name is Lee Aoi, Korean Secrets Intelligence Agency."

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