26: Bike ride

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Aoi wrapped her arms around Jimin's waist while both of them were speeding up behind the two bikes in front of them.

Jimin reached up to Jungkook's bike and they looked at her. "We need to take him out of the city. We don't want anyone to be held hostage again." Jimin said to Jungkook who nodded and sped up.

"Sugar?" Jimin called and she hummed. "Why are you chasing him along with us?

She tightened her arms around him. "Just because."

"Just because?" He asked and she hummed. "Just because."

"But weren't you here to take the money? Why are the three of you running behind him now?" Jimin asked.

"He potentially had more than just 50 Million dollars, Jimin. Don't be stupid. We can have more money. That's why we are following him."

"You pretend to be bad. But the three of you are actually good." He said. Aoi chuckled and shook her head. "I killed so many people, stole their money and played with you. I'm not pretending to be bad. I did something bad. And I had fun doing it. And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could."

Jimin had been betrayed, and here he was, still reeling from it. Here he was, harboring this pulsating lump of hatred burning in his stomach that had only gotten hotter and hotter in the time he had been robbed of a confrontation, an explanation, and yet still he did not have the courage to sink a knife or dig a bullet right into Aoi's chest, to get revenge in the only way he knew how.

I am weak, he thought. Even as this hate consumed him, it was not enough to burn away every instinct he had to reach for Aoi, to keep her away from harm.

Perhaps the strength to destroy her would come with time. Jimin simply needed to bide it.

How could two people reconcile and trust each other when they fell in love with the lies the other person told them?

Well, more hurtful for Jimin because he was always transparent with his feelings and life.

"Sugar," He cups her hands in one of his while the other is still on the bike handle, controlling it.

His closeness still makes her heart flutter like she's never been touched by him before. That's a good sign. "We're terrible at so many things— being honest about ourselves, going on dates, making friends— but the one thing we've always been half- way decent at is being together. We owe it to ourselves to try."

"Okay," she replied in a small breath. "My parents died when I was 3. I was raised in an orphanage with Jungkook. Taehyung found us and took us in. That's why we are close like that."

His smile grows wide and he hums. "What about your school life? Any past relationships?"

"No. Taehyung and Jungkook were really protective of me. They taught me fighting skills and everything that I am today. It's all them." Jimin nods again.

"You must have plenty of relationships." Aoi said and he chuckled. "I had plenty before becoming an agent but now that I am in love again, I realise that those were playdates. This is real love which I have now."

She smiled unknowingly on his back and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry."

"Sugar, don't be sorry. I'm telling you it was sexy. Whenever you played me and dealt with Wooshik." He said and again placed his hands over hers, and grew serious again. "It's hard for me sometimes that we aren't together. I never know where the lines are. I want to cross them all the time. We've kissed and touched, but then we'll go back to being enemies and it's confusing. What we did today, it didn't even feel like enough for me." He held his hands back to the handle, eyes wide. "I don't mean you should do more. Just that I want it all with you. I think about it all the time."

She thought about how much she wanted that, too. And how, earlier, she wanted so much more than his body over hers, their clothes between them. She would have given him everything today. And still, the words that came out were,

"I will miss you."

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