Making It Stinky

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(The chapter name is a bad movie reference.)

"Congratulations!" Two parties back to back, honestly Viryn enjoyed the last one and hoped this one would be the same. She and Merq'ena didn't need to walk there or back now that they had their own ikrans to ride. Thank goodness because if she had to ride with a drunk Witam again she would jump off. "We were worried since you were the last to go through." "She was the last to go through?" "Ya-."

"And I made it through just fine." Viryn strained her face with a small smile that was only polite. "You're coming to the first hunt with us right?" Her peer asked. "Of course. We would never miss that." Merq'ena said filling in at Viryn's discomfort. "Remember us Viryn when you're the next Tsahik. Since we're friends." One of them moved to nudge the girl but she pulled her arm away. Viryn's ears flattened for a second but she shrugged and remained cordial. "I'm sure I will." "I was thinking of picking some fruit to use the peels as a new pigment." Merq'ena changed the topic of conversation. "For your tattoos?" Merq'ena was easily recognized from any angle thanks to those tattoos. No one in the clan had as many as her.

"Yes, I was thinking it would glow like the peelings of the fruit would." "That would look so cool." "Sign me up when you figure it out." Viryn looked over her shoulder for a moment to look for Neteyam. He did not meet with the rest of the group once everyone had succeeded and she even asked Kiri where he went but he was no where to be found.

"Looking for your lover boy?" One boy teased. "He's not here yet. Probably flying around still." "I don't think I offered my congratulations on your betrothal." Viryn snapped her attention back to the girl who just said the statement. "Everyone's been asking, how did you get betrothed to the future Olo'eyktan?" Viryn tensed at the question and Merq'ena's eyes were locked at the girl who seemed unaware of the effect her query had on the two. "I keep hearing that it was a love match or that you showed a great connection to Eywa. But last I checked I haven't seen you two being lovey ever and you don't seem any more spiritual than us." Merq'ena looked over to Viryn to see how to react. The girl clenched her jaw for a second and sucked in a deep breath. "Which one do you think it is?"

The two other teens looked to each other and then back to Viryn. Her polite smile still in place but they sensed it wasn't friendly. "Convenience, you're average enough in all categories." "Are you saying that the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahik chose me simply because it would be an easier to have an average Tsahik?" Viryn tilted her held slightly.

"Give yourself more credit Teyran, you would have been in the running if that was the case." "So it's something else?" Viryn shrugged. "I don't know, only the Olo'eyktan would know for sure." Merq'ena also looked curious. She had never asked the question before since she knew that Viryn liked Neteyam there was never a reason to figure out why she accepted but she never stopped to wonder why they chose Viryn. Of course Viryn was not unfit to be Tsahik, Merq'ena would describe her to be a wise person.

Someone to go to with questions for a very wide range of subjects. She would trust Viryn with anything since she knew that she would would die with it to the grave if she asked. But she had a temper that was hard to put out but quick to light. "I'm promised to Neteyam, there is no changing it now that I have already accepted. If you're so curious to figure out why that is the case by asking Neteyam, tell me his answer if you get it." It wasn't a bad question asked out of ill intent but it was one that set her off. Viryn bit down at the tip of her tongue after the words parted from her lips. There she went overreacting again.

"Well, we might as well ask him now that he's here." Viryn turned her head to see that Neteyam had in fact arrived. His hair looking wilder than it did usually as he sauntered through the bioluminescent lighting. "Viryn?" He called her name. Merq'ena smirked at the act and Viryn could tell even if she didn't look back to her best friend. "Neteyam!" Teyran called him over when Viryn made no move to do it herself. At the call of his name he turned and met Viryn's eyes. He smiled an infectious grin and moved over to the group quickly.

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