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^The Spanish version hits harder but now you can listen and read at the same time :D

Viryn was frightened. Terrified to her very bones. She was an over-thinker, she scared herself more than reality ever could. At least that was what she used to think. Now she was stranded on a ledge next to two dead bodies with a wounded leg. If she called Kri it might put him and Ni'ri in danger as well as give away her location. The best she could do was to stay put where there was a chance she wouldn't be spotted. The girl was hunched in the corner of the railing and was faced away from the bodies with her bow clutched to her chest like a child would do with a prized blanket and rocked her quivering body.

The adrenaline was now out of her system leaving her exhausted and nauseous. Though she had remained still for nearly five minutes she still felt disoriented. The scent of metal and dried blood filled her nostrils as she kept forcing herself to take deep breaths. She wanted to go home. To not be stuck on a Sky People machine without arrows and having to look over her shoulder every second like a crazed animal. She wanted to eat teylu and make friendship bracelets with wooden beads for her and Merq'ena. Not being surrounded by evil creatures that had tracked her and her family down from their home. Home, amongst the Omaticaya and the rainforest. Viryn clamped a hand over her mouth to hide her sobs. She wanted to go to Neteyam and hide her face in the crook of his neck to block out the scary scary world she lived in.

For only a moment she scrunched her eyes closed to try and catch her breath. Luckily the bleeding seemed to have stopped so she wouldn't need to worry about it for a while. Viryn ran a hand through her wet hair and put the other to her heart. No matter how hard she sucked in the air never seemed to stay and then she had to take in another gasp for air. It made her most basic function difficult and even painful. All the heavy breathing made her mouth dry and her eyes wet.

She even wanted to run to Neytiri and hide behind her like she used to when she was little. Viryn tried to suck back in her tears and focus on trying to scope out the area. There was movement that caught her eye. Deeper in the ship, at the railing on the other side of the opening where the Sully brothers escaped. She saw two dark blue shapes. The same blue of her own skin. When the two shapes parted for a moment Visryn knew instantly who they were. The little blue shape tugged against her binds with a whine. Tuk, it had to be Tuk. Her breath quickened as if she was being electrocuted. Viryn's eyes darted at the other shape, they lacked braids which was easy to tell since her hair wasn't swinging with each frantic tug.

They had Kiri and Tuk. They had Kiri and Tuk. It was like there was snap in Viryn's mind like when you light a glow stick. Go go go. She wouldn't be able to get to them in time before she was spotted and even if she had arrows it would be too risky to shoot at anything. Her only option was to run and get Jake and Neytiri. They'll know what to do. Viryn pulled herself onto her feet, she bit down so hard on her lip that she tasted the rusty undertones of blood. She checked her surroundings as she panted for air. Weakly she made her bird call.

Using her bow like a crutch she limped past the bodies and tried to look for her dark blue ikran. When she heard nothing back her already trembling body stiffened. Shakily she called out again. Viryn looked over her shoulder nervously, her tear stains darkening her cheeks into a deep navy. Her ears perked up when she heard that shriek close by she felt her shoulders drop for a second. At least Kri was easily reached. With a grunt she jumped off the ledge and for a moment she was floating. Worry filtered in her head so loudly she felt deafened. What if Kri wasn't there? What if it was one of the other ikran? The enemy ikran. Did she make the wrong decision? Who was going to tell Neytiri and Jake if she couldn't get to them?

Viryn let out a scream as she felt her leg press against Kri's back. She reached down and gripped her thigh but soon loosened it when she was met with another wave of seering pain. Kri even without the bind flew out from beneath the ship. Viryn could only breathe in gasps as she made tsaheylu. Her ikran let out a tearful screech as he sensed her pain. The girl looked down at her wound, it was beginning to get soaked with her blood. Like a patch of poppies you could see each bullet hole under the bandage bloom bright red petals.

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