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The marine licked her lips. The air around her suddenly feeling dry and brittle. She tried to ease her breathing as the condensation from her shaky breaths fogged up her mask. But she was urgent to regain full vision which made her heavy breathing stay the same. "I know you can hear me." The woman said out loud. The first words tumbled out too loud and her voice tapered off at the end. But she knew whatever was out there was listening.

"You want to help your friend." The stock of her rifle still pressing against her shoulder and her thumb just brushing against the trigger. Stealing a glance at the Na'vi who had looked up along with her. Looking at the arrows shot through her now fallen comrades who's bodies were still warm. No longer bunched up or trying to hide. "I respect that." Her eyes desperately looked at where the source of the arrows were. For any sign her eyes could see through the darkness. Her memories of the weeks of training for her time on Pandora extremely dusty from lack of use. Maybe she could see the bioluminescent dots on the aliens? Or a colourful feather, or whatever it was that those blue crazies wore. But she couldn't stay focused on that one area.

The alien could be in the walls for all she knew. An arrow aimed at her skull and just waiting for the right moment. She slowly took a step back from the Na'vi. "Just, come out we can solve this. Diplomatically."

The marine frantically darted towards her captive. It felt her gaze on him. Slowly turning to meet her eyes. In the dark his faint glowing freckles easily made the stare at the marine more haunting. Two large gleaming orbs and hundreds of small eyes leering at her. It was beaten around and probably had only a couple sips of water and a cup of cranberry juice. She hadn't even heard it speak.With the few nearby lights to make out its face there was an eerie yellow cast on the side. It slowly smiled. It was confident in whoever had come for it. It wasn't the one in danger anymore.

The arrows were massive. Longer than her own arm and then some. She had heard stories. Blue aliens that basically walked around naked with arrow tips dipped in poison so toxic that even if my some miracle she would survive she would never truly live anymore. Didn't hey have those hexagons or whatever in their bones? Making them stupid hard to kill?

"C-come out. I don't want to hurt you." The woman took one shaking step back. Her mind all over the place while trying to make a plan. What was there to even plan? She didn't even know her bullshit could even be understood. While standing on the balls of her feet she misstepped onto a puddle. That foot flew from under her causing her to fall flat on her back. 

An arrow flying right at where her torso would have been. A slight breeze brushing her baby hairs back like a whisper of death. When her back hit the cement her sweaty palms and tight grip made her weapon fly out of her hands. The barely maintained composure she had was lost as she couldn't decide what to do. As a last act of desperation the marine looked at the source of the arrow.

Her mask was half fogged up completely but that didn't take away the sight in front of her. Yellow eyes that seemed to just be floating there and staring right into her soul. Then, whatever it was, moved right at her. There was no grace in its movements, it moved like each step was a lurch or a charge right for her. 

The sound of something dragging behind it urging her heart to beat faster. An arrow plunged through her shoulder and stuck her to the ground. She saw the creature take a step out of the darkness. The scariest part of it was that the woman thought that the Na'vi would feel completely different. Something so completely different she could write them off as animals to be absolved of all fault.

Even as she felt her blood dripping out of her wounds she watched the new alien drag itself towards the original alien. She could see that it was dragging one of its legs behind it as it lurched with each movement towards her. It looked worse than it's friend. Facing its body towards her with its back towards its friend. Another arrow being pulled back as it moved. As a last failed attempt she reached for her weapon. Her arm awkwardly failing in the direction she though it would be. Feeling weaker by the second. new alien bared its teeth and let out a hiss. A threat display that she remembered from her years as a rookie. Though, in person and while she was on the verge of death, it sounded much more threatening.

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