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Viryn gripped Merq'ena's hand as she covered her mouth with the other. Her eyes were shut tightly to hold back the tears that were running down her cheeks. Mo'at stood next to her with her usually proud head lowered. A small whimper passed her lips as she could finally lift her head to look at her Olo'eyktan walking towards them. His traditional attire showing his status as their leader even as he was about to leave them. Viryn bit her lip to try and blink her tears away, she was being too emotional and it was embarrassing. "I see you." Jake said as he stepped towards them. He looked at Viryn sadly, the teen struggling to catch her breath from the tears. That day she wore black, a dark beaded set of strings that wrapped around her torso so that an x was shaped from the garment. The Olo'eyktan must die, so that a new Olo'eyktan may be born.

She hiccuped as Mo'at stepped towards Jake, the Tsahik looking as bittersweet as the Olo'eyktan. He stood to face the clan so that they may see his face and remember his strength. Their Toruk Makto, standing strong even in his last moments. Mo'at lifted the feathered garment from Jake and held it up for a moment before placing it to the next Olo'eyktan. Tarsem, he was already a well thought tactician and had played a hand in the success of the raids. He was a worthy Olo'eyktan, just not her's. Mo'at stepped back as the garment sat on Tarsem's shoulders. He settled into the new title, the new responsibility. The new Olo'eyktan turned to Jake and lifted his knife. He let out a battle cry and pressed his fist over Jake's heart. When he pulled away he sliced a small cut on Jake, a symbol of his death and his stepping down from the position. Tarsem looked down, his expression revealing that he was doing this with a heavy heart.

Jake stepped down from his place at the front. He looked sadly at the image of the tree of souls with Mo'at standing at its base. Viryn sucked a breath as she looked at him give her an assuring smile. She looked to the Sully family waiting for their father but the path given to them by the people. They looked like just as sad to be leaving. She took a step towards them, Merq'ena held onto her hand as she slowly walked to the family. "I see you." She lowered her head and gestured to them. Tuk broke away first and hugged the older girl's legs. Viryn bit her lip and put a hand on the little girl's head.

Kiri followed and hugged both of the older girls. "I'm going to miss you." Viryn and Merq'ena returned the hug. "It's going to be weird not see you with Mo'at." Merq'ena blinked rapidly almost as if she was also about to cry but pulled away from the hug. Lo'ak looked more hesitant to approach her so Viryn pulled him in herself. "You take care of him for me." She whispered in his ear so that only Lo'ak could hear her. "I'll watch his back." The boy promised. Viryn pulled back and grabbed Lo'ak's shoulders. "You'll always cause trouble." She smiled which encouraged the younger boy enough to give her a small one back. "But stay safe." With Neytiri she just hugged the woman in silence. What could be said to ease their pain, especially when Neytiri looked like she was about to cry too.

At last she stood in front of Neteyam. Her promised, or was. "Hi." He whispered to her. "Hi." She whispered back. Viryn looked at every detail of his face. Trying to take a picture of him with her mind at that exact second. Their smiles were so bittersweet that it felt like it was just bitter. Viryn walked forward and hugged him. Even at that moment his body was warmer than her so it felt like a warm blanket was wrapped around her. "The great mother will protect you." Viryn whispered as she sucked in a deep breath of his scent. She never bothered to describe him because she thought they would have their entire lives to know each other. At that moment, he smelled like earth after rain, the deep smell that was comforting to see with the condensation still on the leaves. She didn't want to let go, she wanted to stay in that moment in his arms forever. But she had to, she was already going against the ceremony by saying her goodbyes like that. "When we reunite with the great mother I will be waiting for you." Neteyam smiled at her words. "I've hardly even left and you're already think about seeing me again?" His joke was halfhearted as he leaned closer to her. Viryn hoped it was because he didn't want to leave her.

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