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Lo'ak hung his head forwards, unable to fall asleep from the way a new set of armed marines to gawk at them. His throat was dry from no water and his stomach growled.

"They'll find us." Neteyam whispered to him. His older brother received harsher treatment. A swollen lump on his forehead from where the stack his head to the railing when he did kneel quick enough. Lo'ak looked back up at the highest ranked soldier on possibly the entire ship.

"Don't turn your back in them for even a second, you hear?" The man snarled at the two other people. "They're monsters, every last one of them." Lo'ak met his eyes and lowered his airs. The way they looked at him and his brother made his skin crawl. He preferred to way the Metkayina looked at him.

The humans may not call him demon blooded they treated him as he was a demon all on his own. He wanted to hiss at them. A small rebellion against them. But they would strike him, or worse, his brother. "It won't happen again sir." The other marine responded stiffly. She looked at them with more weariness. Adjusting her hold on her weapon.

"What are you planning on doing with them?" The unarmed one looked to the highly ranked soldier. It saddened Lo'ak to be reminded of Max from the beard and choice of clothes. "We're waiting for Quaritch to show up, or whatever's left of him." The Sully brother's perked up at the name. The demon was coming for them. But his dad had killed him. Maybe they hadn't found his body yet. "They wrecked the legacy of that great man."

The highly ranked soldier muttered. "Made him one of them." The man spat as he pointed the barrel of his hand gun at Neteyam. Lo'ak pulled against his binds against the railing and glowered up at the man. Wanting to defend his brother but not wanting to do anything to encourage attacking his brother.

"Look at them." The man sneered at Lo'ak. "Devils, right from Hell's womb." The man made a show of placing his thumb of the trigger. Relishing in the distress in Lo'ak face. A wretched smile spreading on his face. A twisted sense of pleasure wrapped the sadistic game of will he won't he. "Sergeant. We're under direct orders to keep them alive." The woman nervously glanced at her superior officer's hand. "You think I don't know that?" The man snapped back.

He still stared at Lo'ak with that piercing challenge in his eyes. Like he was encouraging him to react and give him a reason to kill his brother. Lo'ak tail swayed behind him, smacking against the metal with thumps. "Just making sure they aren't getting comfortable." The sergeant lifted Neteyam's head to look at him.

Neteyam's face was worse for wear. Besides the bump on his head he had a rough shiner on his cheekbone. A trial of dry and crusted blood from his nose to his chin. "That's right, devil." The sergeant didn't need to crouch to whisper in Neteyam's ear. "I'm the one in power now." He pulled the gun away from under Neteyam's chin. A temporary feeling of relief flooding Lo'ak.

Then he smacked Neteyam's face with the barrel of his gun. A loud smack echoing to cement the action. Neteyam clenched his jaw to refrain from saying anything but Lo'ak scowled. Moving as close to the marine his binds would allow. "Down, dog." The sergeant snarled as he turned the gun to Lo'ak instead. "Lo'ak." Neteyam hissed. His voice strained as Neteyam was refusing to show his pain. Lo'ak scrunched his face to refrain the hiss that was bubbling at the back of his throat.

A faint sound could be made out from the crashing of waves. So quiet Lo'ak almost missed it. A bird call. Was it really a bird? He didn't want to give in to false hope but his ears perked up to hear it again. "Sergeant." The woman whispered. There it was again but slightly louder. easily missed as the sound of an animal. They knew that sound. But it didn't sound like their mom. Neteyam straightened at the noise. His eyes widened slightly as he tilted his head to Lo'ak subtly.

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