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Merq'ena sat in the shade with her eyes watching Kiri. The shorter girl was lounging with her head nearly fully submerged watching the sand and the small creatures hidden underneath. Merq'ena also was sensing that something was different about Kiri. There was no one else she could think of that would be as delighted by staring at a section of sand as much as Kiri did.

She looked up and saw Aonung approaching with three friends with him. He gestured to the Kiri with a laugh. Not seeing Merq'ena in the shade. "What is she doing?" "She's just staring at the sand." Merq'ena propped herself up from the tree she was leaning on and eyed the group. Viryn was away with Tsireya trying to learn some methods the Metkayina healed their people with so it was just the two of them.

"Huh?" Kiri pulled her head out of the ocean. Blinking to get water out of her eyes. "What's you say?" "Are you some kind of, freak?" Aonung asked with his fingers gesturing towards Kiri. "He asked if you were a freak." A friend repeated. There was a smile of excitement in their teasing.

"No." Kiri rolled her eyes and tried to move away. "Are you sure?" Aonung asked as he followed her. Merq'ena stood up and appeared from the shade. Her eyes narrowed at the group as they surrounded Kiri in the shallow water. "I mean, you're not even real Na'vi." Aonung continued. Merq'ena shoved the two boys closest to her to get to Kiri. "Look who it is." Aonung kept smiling. Merq'ena sneered at them but just moved herself to at least be between Kiri and Aonung. He was the tallest and there was no doubt in her that he was the ring leader.

"Where's the little Tsahik?" He asked pretending to look around. "You're practically attached at the hip." Merq'ena only glared at him and held up a hand to keep Kiri the furthest away from as many of them as she could. "Leave us alone." Kiri tried to speak firmly as she had seen her parents do but it seemed to have little affect on the boys.

"Hey fish lips!" Lo'ak having caught sight of the scuffle and also approached. His eyes narrowed onto the group. Kiri groaned under her breath as she placed her hands on Merq'ena's arm to keep her from starting to swing.

While Lo'ak attempted to get them to stop they simply turned their tormenting on him. Soon they moved him into the middle like a Na'vi monkey in the middle game. They soon lashed out, tugging on Lo'ak's tail and making comments about his four fingers.

Merq'ena shoved those that got close but she remained in from of Kiri should they turn their attention back onto her. Before they knew it Neteyam had emerged from the water. He stomped over to Aonung with anger in his face. Merq'ena could see that his jaw was clenched as he stared down the son of the Olo'eyktan.

Neteyam charged and grabbed Aonung's shoulder before soundly shoved him away, catching the others' attention. "Ooooh, big brother coming in-." Aonung shoved his friend back when he approached Neteyam. "You heard her. Leave them alone." He stared down at Aonung as he poked a finger on his chest. When there hesitation Neteyam made sure to make his point clear. "Back off." He was ready to fight Aonung from the way his fists clenched. "Now." Neteyam bared his teeth.

Aonung looked over to his group then back at Neteyam, Merq'ena behind him glaring right into his soul. Her tail behind her swinging as her hands would be if he pushed on it.The tall boy stepped back and lifted his hands. A sign of surrender even with the smug smirk on his face. Neteyam relaxed slightly but his jaw was still clenched.

"First, you need to respect my sister." A shorter braid dangled in front of his forehead. Beads of water falling from the end. Kiri stuck her tongue out when the group looked at her from Merq'ena's side.

Once the group fully conceded Neteyam turned and pulled Lo'ak with him. "Let's get back." He whispered to the girls. Merq'ena scrunched her nose as if she was about to hiss at them but a firm tug from Kiri was enough to get her to at least take a step back.

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