Great Mother

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Heryl dove into the water, her body pressed into a streamline pose so that she slipped under the waves with minimal splash. When she surfaced her wavy hair floated around her past her shoulders. "Let's go." She waved Viryn and Merq'ena over into the water. Merq'ena dove feet first while Viryn jumped in like a cannonball. Heryl grinned and turned around. She started clicking for their ilu.

The graceful creatures rose from the depths, their curved mouths made them look like they were in a perpetual state of happiness. Viryn felt her's lift its handle into her hand and stayed still to allow her to position herself onto its back. The others quickly jumped into the water to join them. Each entrance into the ocean slapping the girls in the face with water. Viryn rubbed her eyes to get the water out for as long as she could. Heryl chuckled at the way the Omaticaya teens took a moment to adjust themselves. They had come a long way, learning to hold their breath nearly as long as the locals, but their bodies still needed time to configure themselves in the water.

"You guys!" The group turned to see Tsireya riding her ilu over to them. Rotxo was behind her and waved slightly at them. "Where's Aonung?' Heryl asked eyeing the pair as they moved closer. "He doesn't want to come." Tsireya said with a faint roll of her eyes. Heryl hummed. "Let's go stop at your house before we go." Merq'ena smirked at the tone of Heryl's words. "Let's go." Viryn looked at Tsireya and smiled. She gestured to the where the flower was on Tsireya's head on her own head and gave the younger girl a thumbs up.

They all moved as a group. Under the surface it felt like flying but heavier. Viryn pushed her hair away from her face as she looked around. The ocean was still such a wonder, like no matter how many times she spent under its waves there would be something new to see. She startled at the feel of a tap on her head. Viryn lifted her head, her first reaction being a snarl at whatever had touched hers When she saw who it was however she quickly halted. Viryn gestured in the Metkayina sign language at Neteyam. "You scared me." The boy grinned at her and continued leading his ilu after Heryl. They were making a quick stop before going to the cove of ancestors, and she couldn't wait to see the girl and Aonung interact.

Heryl had her ilu jump from the water high enough for her to unattach and step onto the platform of the home. The rest of the group lingered at the surface. "What's up with Aonung and her?" Lo'ak asked the Metkayina teens. "They're kinda together." Rotxo said easily. A light smile on his face. "Even if he's slow to admit it." A loud thump was heard from the tent. "Let's go." Heryl could be heard speaking. "What are you doing here?" Aonung, and a sleepy one at that.

"To wake you up, your parents are going to be disappointed when they found out you're making Tsireya do all the heavy lifting." Heryl didn't sound upset, just pushy. "Come on." There was a dragging sound that lasted until the group could see that Heryl had managed to pull Aonung, who looked to be putting no effort to help, towards the edge of the tent. "You promised." Heryl let him go so that he slumped onto the ground. The boy sighed and rubbed his eyes. The bruise on his face now beginning to heal. "Fine." He slowly pulled himself up. "Don't get your tail in a twist." He cracked his neck.

Heryl nudged him to move with a single knuckle. Aonung looked down at her. A silent conversation happening between the two. Hard to understand but still expressive. The two quickly dove into the water. Aonung skillfully mounting his ilu even as he let out a yawn.

Tsireya lead them through the ocean. The group breaching from the waves letting out hoots and laughs as the thrill of hovering from the water before diving back in was a different sort of thrill. Viryn was grinning the whole time. She looked over to Merq'ena who lifted her fist in the air with a laugh before crashing back down into the waves.

Kiri had to play safer, Tuk clinging behind her being a concern since she wasn't as soundly attached to the saddle. Viryn and Merq'ena stayed close to the girl but still breeched over them.

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