
906 28 18

Hello There,

Readers. I'm so grateful and honoured with 100k+ reads and your comments make my day. I can't express how touched I am that you both care so much for my characters and are interested with this stupidly long book I started on a whim. I'm thinking of rewriting this book. I'm literally just writing whatever I want at this point so it's turning to a dumb mish-mash of story plots that I liked. If I do rewrite this book which would contain basically the same storyline but with hopefully more depth and better intertwined subplots/character development, would you guys want to read it?

I will definitely keep this version of the story up but if I do do a rewrite the plot in this book will end here and there will be a restart from the very beginning of the book. With both Merq'ena and Viryn, who I think I will keep relatively the same. It will be a genuine book instead of what I wrote out of grief and boredom with a set beginning and ending in mind so it isn't 50+ pages and nearly 10 hours long as it is currently.

Please let me know your thoughts, keep going or rewrite?

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