Out With The Old

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Viryn walked on the beach. She was tired and her eyes were tired from crying. "Viryn." The girl perked up at her name but her ears quickly flattened at the sight of who it was. She turned her attention back forwards and quickened her pace.

"It's urgent." Aonung sighed as he moved to follow her. "Go bother someone else with it." She hissed as she stomped ahead. On sand she could not move as fast as she wanted to and she felt the need to lift her feet higher above the sand than in the rainforest so her knees nearly pressed against her stomach with each stride. She hated sand. It was coarse and rough, and irritating. Not to mention that it got everywhere.

"It's about Lo'ak." This time Viryn halted. She eyes the boy suspiciously. Aonung wilted stlightly at the heavy glare she sent him. "What about Lo'ak?" Aonung lowered his head. "You better tell me now or I'm going to shove your face full of sand." Viryn sighed turned herself fully to face him. Neteyam's words echoed in her head so she took a step back from the taller boy. Aonung lifted his hands up in surrender. "Before I tell you I just did it out of harmless spite, I don't think-." "Spit it out." Viryn scowled. "My friends and I, took him fishing beyond the reef."

Viryn tilted her head. "And?" Aonung watched her face carefully. She looked tired and her eyes were red from either flying so long without head gear or the tears that left matte streaks along her cheeks. "We sort of left him there." Viryn felt her tiredness snap out of her. "He isn't back?"

When she was met with silence she instantly gripped onto the base of Aonung's braid. "Ouch!" "Walk." She ordered and forced him ahead of her. What sort of idiot, what sort of-. What could she even say. The stupidity she was being exposed to in his presence no doubt was effecting her brain functions.

Viryn stood a little to the side to see up ahead. Her breath hitching as she noticed the figure seated by the entrance. He stood up as he could see the shape approaching him from the darkness. "I can walk on my-." "Not in the mood." Viryn pushed Aonung towards the tent anyways. "Viryn?" The girl refused to meet his eyes and continued into the dwelling. "What happened?" Merq'ena who heard them approaching stood up. Kiri who was seated next to her was tending to the bruises on Merq'ena's knuckles.

"Nothing." Viryn whispered. "Where's Neytiri and Jake?" Merq'ena eyed Aonung who looked more like a dog on a tight leash but remained focused on her sister. "In there." Viryn lead Aonung through the door way and caught sight of the two adults seated by the fire. "Tell them." She let go of her hold on his braid.

Aonung gingerly touched his hair before awkwardly looking at Jake and Neytiri. "Now." She scowled so that her nose bridge scrunched. The boy flinched slightly but still frowned at her. "Lo'ak's past the reef, and he's not back." His words made both parents rise with a panic. "What? How could this have happened?" Neytiri was wide eyed with worry. "I'll go on Kri. We'll find him faster from the air."

When Jake nodded she quickly went where she went to come inside. "Viryn." Neteyam moved in front of her. This time she met his eyes. She saw his eyes dart across her face, the red in her eyes and the tears stains on her cheeks. His ears were lowered as he licked his lips. It looked like his mouth and shoulders were controlled by the same strings as he attempted to thread a sentence to say to her. "Look, I shouldn't have said what I said." He lifted a hand to touch her as he normally would but this time Viryn looked at his limb just as it hovered over her skin.

A look that was barely not a glare. She looked back at him. Neteyam sucked in a breath. Viryn was mad at him, no she was furious at him. Her anger seemingly coiling under her expression and he knew the moment his hand would touch her she would strike at him. So doing the smart thing, he pulled his hand back to side.

Viryn looked at him one for time before brushing past him. Merq'ena and Kiri looked at each other in shock. "What happened?" Merq'ena whispered to him. Neteyam watched as Viryn quickly mounted on Kri and took off. "I'm so fucking stupid." He muttered before going out to look for his brother.

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