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Merq'ena looked around as she hid amongst the kelp. The rest of the group behind her in varying levels of depth. She looked to Kiri and Tuk who were the closest. "Are you ok?" She signed to them. Kiri nodded and patted Tuk behind her, They could see up on the surface that there were boats circling. No doubt looking for them. Merq'ena thought of Viryn in the sky, who she could not see. She guessed her sister was filling her head with nervous thoughts as she could not contact them. The ilus shook their heads nervously while making quite whistling noises. Watching and waiting for the boats to leave.

The boats circled a few times above them before returning from where they came. But the group waited still. There was something in the water that told them that they still were not safe.

From their spot at the front Lo'ak and Merq'ena were the first to have the distant light hit their eyes. It soon grew brighter and casted its jarring brightness onto everyone else. Something was in there with them and it wasn't Eywa's creation. Lo'ak was the first to pull away from their hiding spot and began to try and get away from the lights. The others followed suit.

Merq'ena looked over her shoulder to see what was coming for them. Even as she was moving her eyes were blinded by the searing lights. She could not look beyond the light so she looked around to see if she could get a glance at what else was chasing them. The Sky People were coming for them even in the water. Her eyes went down to Kiri and Tuk, the pair moving slower due to the extra weight and to try and keep Tuk on the ilu.

Kiri was doing her best to hold on to Tuk as the little girl seemed to be off the saddle and just being dragged through the water. Merq'ena looked forward for a moment just in time to avoid a strange crustacean like machine.

She swerved upwards and looked down to try and orientate herself. Her eyes widened at the sight of Tuk sprawling in the water. A look of panic as she tried to swim quickly before being spotted. Merq'ena instantly moved towards the little girl and pulled Tuk to sit in front of her. The Sky People were too busy chasing Lo'ak and Tsireya for them to notice Merq'ena and Tuk return to the safety of the kelp forest.

Merq'ena gently pushed Tuk towards the pocket of air ahead before letting go of her ilu. The trills of the creature followed after it as it made its escape. Looking back one more time to be sure that they had enough time to breathe Merq'ena followed after Tuk. As her head surfaced the tattooed girl let out a gasp for air.

She had to lift her braids out of her face before she could take in another breath. Tuk was breathing heavily as she tried to calm the fear in her heart. "Take a deep breath." Merq'ena clung onto the inside wall of the plant and gestured to her heart. "We're ok right now. Just try to slow your heart."

Tuk nodded as she clung onto the older girl since she was easier to grab onto than the wall. Merq'ena cupped the back of Tuk's head to turn the little girl's attention from the lights that glared through the not opaque plant. "Just breathe." Merq'ena said again but this time more to herself.

Her ears were pinned back as she watched the light turn away to somewhere else. A shaky sigh coming out of her lips. They were being chased by the Sky People, she had encountered them before sure, but they had never tried to directly chase her. It was a whole other experience compared to what she was used to. Like a predator turned prey, she wasn't sure how to run.

Lo'ak bursted from beneath them. Startling both girls. "Tuk, Merq." The older girl had an arm shielding Tuk which she lowered at the sight of the boy. "You guys ok?" The two nodded while still trying to catch their breath. Tsireya followed soon after making a much less frightening appearance.

She put a steady hand on Tuk before looking down. "They're coming." The panic in her voice only added to Merq'ena's. The light shining underneath already meaning that their hunters were close. "We have to go." Lo'ak sucked a breath and dove under the water. Merq'ena went down too but paused to make sure Tuk could keep up.

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