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Viryn paced around the outskirts of the base. Her tail waving behind her as she paused every once in a while to look ahead. Yesterday had left her with so many new worries. The dream-walkers had Spider, they could've killed any of the other children, they had nearly shot Neytiri. What if Neteyam wasn't there? What if Merq'ena had been shot? What if-? "Viryn!" She turned and saw Neteyam jogging to her, his braids swinging as he moved. "Neteyam!" Viryn ran to him and hugged him tightly. His arms wrapped around her in return. "We're ok." He whispered in her ear. "What did your dad say to do about Spider?" They pulled apart but her hands remained on his shoulders and his hands stayed on her waist. "Let's talk somewhere farther away." Neteyam looked around before taking her hand. "Is it bad?" Viryn looked at the way his jaw clenched as he pulled her away. He looked at her with a heaviness to his eyes that were not there often and she meant to keep it that way. Itwas bad, something really really bad.

They were far enough away from the village to not be disturbed on the higher cliffs of the mountain. It was noon so the day was right ahead of them with the warm sun above their heads. "How are you guys? You guys ok?" Neteyam asked while checking her for injuries. "Merq'ena doesn't have a scratch on her, and I'm fine." Viryn squeezed his hand. "I hope the same goes for your family." Neteyam sat down on one of the rocks and sighed. "Tuk's shaken up, but she'll be fine. Kiri and Lo'ak are in big trouble for even being in the first place, let alone taking her with them." The boy rubbed his face with his free hand. The tiredness of his usually chipper voice worried Viryn. She moved closer and put her free hand on Neteyam's head.
Trying to soothe the tension in his voice like he often did for her. "Mom and dad argued all morning today." He leaned against her. "It's like it never stops." The boy let out a deep sigh. "And what about you?" Neteyam looked up at her. "Are you shaken up?" Neteyam blinked at her question. "I'm just. I don't know how I'm feeling." Viryn tilted her head as she did not take those words to be the truth. "You just had to rescue your siblings from a hostage situation. You're allowed to be worried about this."

Neteyam blinked up at her as if he was hesitant to speak more. Viryn put her hand on his cheek, rubbing her thumb along his markings absentmindedly. "You're not the oldest brother here." She whispered to him. "Remember what you said last year? We're going to be Olo'eyktan and Tsahik together, we should learn to share how we feel." That brought a light smile to Neteyam's lips. It reminded them of a time when Sky People were not just outside their doors or holding knives at their siblings. But then his smiled faltered which did not escape her attention. "Talk to me." Viryn sat next to him on the rock so that they were shoulder to shoulder. Their interlocked hands on top of her lap. "I'm, scared." Neteyam whispered. The statement hung in the air like a feather waiting to drop. "They were so close." After he first admitted his fear Neteyam could speak more freely.

"If I didn't shoot what if that guy got my mom? They held a knife to Lo'ak and they would have killed him if they had enough reason to." Neteyam's voice shook. "And you know him, he would give them a reason to." He was tearing up. Viryn's eyes widened at the watery state of his eyes. She had never seen him cry past the age of seven. "I should have been there-."

"Hey." Viryn kneeled in front of Neteyam so that he had no choice but to meet her eyes. "You protected your family yesterday. That's all that matters. If you had been with them who's to say you wouldn't get captured too?" She let go of his hand to cup his face. "Lo'ak and Kiri are learning to take care of themselves out there and they knew when they called for help you would be there to run to their rescue." Neteyam blinked his teary eyes as they ran down his cheeks. The tears leaving dark blue trails as they dripped onto her hands.

"You are their big brother, one of the best." Viryn gingerly wiped the tears with her thumbs. "And they know that. All that needs to happen now is for you to know it too." Neteyam sucked in a shaky breath. "You can cry, it's good to cry every once in a while." That did it. Neteyam pulled Viryn closer and pressed his face against her shoulder. He wasn't a loud crier, he barely made a noise as she patted his back. But he shook after each tear. "Like you said, they're safe. They're ok." Her hand went to the nape of his neck to gently run her fingers along his markings.

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