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Viryn soared along side the air assault team with Merq'ena next to her. The wind pushed back her long hair that looked like it had been beaded back with a cool but rich blue colour thread. Her hand gripped her knife as she looked to her Olo'eyktan. His bow held up high as he lead the charge against the train. It had been a stressful year, the Sky People had developed faster than she had ever imagined they could and so they were brought up to fight. Defending themselves from these invaders that threatened them.

They were just scouts for this mission but she knew that things were never that simple. She looked over her shoulder to see Lo'ak and Neteyam flying close by. Behind her she felt her tail twitching anxiously. Kri shook his head which pulled her focus back forwards. "Sorry boy." She whispered and patted his side. The quiver of arrows pressed against her thigh provided some comfort at least paired with her powerful ikran. Her nervousness never sat right with Kri ever since they were first bonded. Neytiri let out a battle cry as she held up her bow. The air assault team echoed her as they slipped through the trees towards the track. Viryn and Merq'ena let out cries in reverence as they held up their fists.

The train, a hulking metal machine that stunk of Sky People and seemed to scream as it ran. They could hearing it's rhythmic steps as it pounded against stone to prowl down the iron trail left for it. Once they followed it to where the track was suspended Viryn and Merq'ena held back so that their ikran shot out of the way of the warriors from getting to the train. The many blurring colours rushed underneath them so that a gust of wind helped lift them higher into the air.

She looked to the mountains in the direction of the Sky People's base for any sign of more back up. Kri leaned towards the direction by pulling farther away from Merq'ena who watched as the train beginning to make the turn over to the,. A ship was beginning to approach as it escorted the train and all the supplies on it. Neytiri was already on it with an arrow shot through the pilot. "Ground team, go." She heard Jake speak through the ear piece. The voices always made her ears twitch. Beneath them she could see the shaking of trees and the sound of thunder. Viryn circled Kri over the area as she occasionally looked back to the mountains.

The ground team were a large squad of direhorse riders that were meeting them at the track. Her heart was beating anxiously as she could make out the small blue backs from the gaps in the tree branches. Her hands went to her ears and she held her breath.

A quick clean click was heard before the suspended track exploded before the train made it across. It sent the engine flying forwards as well knocking off the rest of the train off the track. The collision causing a larger and much louder explosion. Sparks and screeching also ignited from the rubbing of cool steel and rough stone as some carts slid across the area. They all waited to be sure that more explosions would not be set off from the crash. "15 minutes people." Jake finally let lose the groups to go down and raid the carts for the supplies. From her place above Viryn could see the many weapons that were loaded in the wooden crates along with ammo that was ready to be reloaded. She looked up to Merq'ena who was also circling closer to the track with her eyes locked on the raiding being done.

Merq'ena had also changed. Her long wavy hair tied off into little braids that pulled the hair away from her face. The two of them were taller now and had gained some muscle since they first bonded with their ikran.Viryn looked up and around in search if Neteyam and Lo'ak, she froze when she could not find them instantly. She flew closer to the source of the explosion and looked for the teal and blue ikran that should be scouting as she was. Then she realized just who she was looking for. "Idiots." She scowled as she scanned the area for them. Viryn kept looking between the ground and back to where she was supposed to be scouting. The bow in her hand brushing against her other thigh was itching for use when she looked towards the sky.

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