; - prologue

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Three girls with curious eyes peered down on one of their friends' phone, looking at a certain app opening right before their very eyes.

"Are you sure you didn't download this?" One of her friends asks, sitting back up to look at her.

"Positive!" She affirms with a nod of her head. "It just suddenly came to me one day and it won't leave me alone!"

"Hey, you two, look over here." The third girl calls out to her two friends, gaining their attention as they look back into the phone. "It says here that you should put your name."

One of the girls took her phone in her hands, beginning to type down her first and last name before setting it back down on the ground, clicking the send button.

As soon as the app loads, the three girls' eyes widens in surprise. Flashed on their faces were their friend's personal information - name, birthday, age, name of school and ideal type.

"This app is a scam!" One girl spoke, scoffing as she sits up straight, placing her hands on top of her hips. "Your phone is obviously hacked! Re format it or get a new phone!"

"That is kind of creepy..." Another girl voiced out her opinion, looking at her with a worried expression. "What if some crazy stalker suddenly goes to our school and professes his love for you in our campus?"

"I don't think anyone can just enter our school!" She reasons out, looking at her two friends, "Besides, don't you think this is kind of exciting?"


"How is that exciting?"

"That is what I wanted to know too! So let's see!" The girl happily gushes, smiling with her eyes closed.

And in just one tap of her finger on the leaping pink heart on the screen of her phone, a neatly wrapped gift box is shown before bursting out multiple trains of pink hearts going up, down, horizontal and vertical.

Congratulations! You have 7 admirers in your school! ♡

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