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A pink colored can falls down the pick up port. Niko bends down to pick up the can all the while multiple pairs of eyes watches him with curiosity. On the front of the pink colored can is a printed text; containing three clues about their chosen blind date. For Niko, he didn't entirely nor thoroughly thought of which kind of girl he is supposed to meet today. He couldn't care less as after all, it is just a game.

"Can you even read with your hair on the way?" Nagi asks with a dull expression.

"I am capable of seeing the clues." Niko replies.

On the printed text were the words:

- She lacks self confidence but she's cheerful and optimistic. Despite coming from a very rich background, she is also somewhat timid and shy but very generous. Innocent and naive at times.

- Has superior piano skills. Although she doesn't own a piano herself yet, she dreams of owning a Steinway or Yamaha piano on her birthday. She is not a part of the Classical Music Society.

- Canterbury bell is her favorite flower.

"Do any of these clues rings a bell to you?" Niko asks to anyone in particular. Leaning away a little so that everyone of them could see the clues clearly. "I don't know anyone who's just like this." He adds.

"Is it Nadeshiko?" Bachira asks.

Isagi shook his head. "Nadeshiko is part of the classical music society."

"Kind of misleading, don't you think?" Reo pitches in. One arm slung around Nagi's shoulders while his hand rests on top of his hip. "What if the clue is bluffing?" He asks. "I've heard of Nadeshiko from others. She's the president of the classical music society but she too dreams of owning a Steinway piano."

"What about Mikoto?" Bachira suggests again. "She's not yet a high school student but she attends high school classes as a trial student." He suggests. "She's a foreigner from what I know too!"

"Her hair is very stylish." Aryu spoke, twirling a strand of his long hair within his index finger.

"When did you get here?!" Nanase shouts, jumping at his sudden appearance.

"I don't think a middle school student would be interested to take part in a coupling game like this." Hiori says, shaking his head.

"Is it Himari?"

"Himari's my classmate and she doesn't even play the piano."

"What about Senbongi?"

"Senbongi? Innocent and naive? I doubt that." Shidou responded, all heads turning to look at him.

"What?" Shidou asks, his expression faltering, morphing to becoming a bored one. "I highly doubt that Senbongi is someone innocent and naive. Mind you, she would join this game and would even bet spending a night with one of the guys who chooses her."

"Why do you know a lot?" Rin asks, looking away as he has his neck wrapped around Shidou's arm.

A wide grin begins to paint Shidou's lips. Closely, he leans to Rin's ear. "Oh. Would you like to know?" He purrs to him.

"Do you think Zantetsu would know about her?" Chigiri asks, turning his head to look at Nagi.

"Idiot wouldn't have a clue who." Both Nagi and Reo chimed.

"Oi" Karasu turns his head to Otoya. "You'd probably know half of the girls of this school. Maybe you know someone who's like this."

Otoya sighs, a bored expression painting his face. "I don't remember all of them." He begins to say. "All the girls I've met in the past are nothing more than just a blur. I don't know their names nor faces anymore." He says, playfully shrugging his shoulders. "What I do know too well is Misa." 

The name alone rang six people's attention - Isagi, Chigiri, Hiori, Rin, Nagi and Reo. 

From across the room, Sae, who heard the name, immediately whipped his head to look at them. Teal eyes staring right back at them but are more piercing at Rin's figure. The youngest Itoshi simply couldn't be bothered by his presence nor the bouquet in his hands. 

To Rin, Sae is nothing more than a parasite. 

"Whatever." Niko says, fishing his phone out of the pocket of his pants. Typing down number by number onto his dial pad. "The number of the girl is also printed on the bottom of the clue." He adds, pressing his phone onto his ear. "I'll just give her a call and I'll be over this." 

"Hello?" Niko spoke, lifting his head a little. "Sorry if I'm calling you in such a short notice but as embarrassing as it is, you're whom I picked out from the coupling game." He explains, pausing for a bit. Isagi squints a little and he could visibly make out a pink hue dusting Niko's cheeks. 

"Are you in campus already?" Niko asks, turning his head both left and right. "Have you eaten already too?" 

"We can visit the coffee shop." He suggests. "Alright. Don't go anywhere anymore and I'll pick you up." 

With that, the call ends. Niko turns his phone off before placing it inside the pocket of his pants. His free hand still holding onto the pink can. 

"You were so cool, Niko!" Bachira spoke to him, giving him a thumbs up. "Do you have an idea who they are based on their voice?" 

Tokimitsu already looked dizzy from looking at all clues pasted on the front of the cans while Nagi is already on the verge of falling asleep on Reo's shoulder. 

"Honestly..." Niko begins to say, turning around to face everyone. "I don't know who she is." 

"I'll be on my way now." Even before Niko could take a step away, the rest of the soccer team blocked his path. 


"We want to see who your date is!" 

"It's embarrassing." 

"Come on. We've seen you cry- ow!" 

Heaving a deep sigh, Niko continues walking forward. Nevertheless, he allowed the rest of them to follow him. Rin kept being dragged in a chokehold by Shidou while Sae silently followed them. Keeping a good distance away from the current soccer team. Ever since he's heard Misa's name come from their lips, he has been eyeing them for quite a while now. 

"Where are you going to meet her?" Isagi asks. 

"She says she's nearby the garden on gate six." Niko responded, taking a quick glance at Isagi. "I'm heading over there to meet her." 

Descending down a couple of stairs, half of the soccer team escorted Niko towards his destination. Making a turn to the right, a girl stood in front of the garden nearby gate six of the academy. Her presence alarming all eight admirers. 

Before them stood Misa. 

A small smile painted on her lips. Raising her hand a little as she waves her phone to them. The warm glow of the sun casted above her head, highlighting her prominent blue hair. 

"You called?" 

ブルーロック あでぃしょなる・たいむ!#19 

"Hey" Shidou slides besides Sae. Eyeing him up and down. "Can I have your number?" 

"No." Sae spoke rather immediately. 

"Harsh much." Shidou replies, a smirk painting his lips. "If you don't give me your number, can I at least play football with you forever?" 

"Get off." Sae answers, maneuvering away from the dual toned haired males advances. 

"No need to be so rude." Shidou says, quick to sling an arm around Sae's shoulders. Pulling the auburn haired male close to him. "You and I will definitely get along just fine. Don't you feel this sensation between the two of us?" He asks, tilting his head to look at Sae. 

"I'm not falling for any spell, dumbass." 

"That's what they say before they fall in love!" 

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