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"Seriously...is it valentines day or what?" Misa speaks out loud as she enters her classroom, pulling out her chair from her desk before plopping her butt down on her seat.

Both Himari and Tao hums, turning their heads to look at Misa when they let out a sudden gasp.

On top of Misa's table were two love letters, a box of macarons and a chilled strawberry milk carton.

"Did these come from prince charming love letter boy or myserious love letter boy?" Himari asks, sitting on the still vacant chair in front of Misa while looking at the box of macarons she received. "These macarons aren't just made from Japan, heck it's all the way from South Korea!"

"Princess, without your light, I would have gone astray. The world will become dark and an infinite void. But it's thanks to you, that my world is warm and bright." Tao reads the love letter in her hand.

"Don't you think you made prince charming love letter boy sad when you declined his date?" Himari asks, resting her elbow on top of Misa's desk, her cheek resting on the back of her head.

"It's not that I declined it. I just postponed it because I really want to get to know him more before actually meeting him." Misa replies, placing the snacks inside her backpack. "If I just meet him ahead without any knowledge of him, it's like I'm going to war without any weapons."

"You're right." Himari drags her words, averting her eyes to look at Tao. "Read what mysterious love letter boy says."

"I entrust my whole heart to you." Tao responded, flipping the paper on the back then forward. "The one thing I've noticed between them is that, prince charming love letter boy writes as if he's talking to Misa. While mysterious love letter boy send almost one liner like phrases."

Averting her eyes at Misa, Himari draws her attention back to her. "Do you think either the two of them are brought those snacks to you?"

Misa blinks, shaking her head. "I don't think so..." she answers.

With the sudden sight of the macarons in her locker, there are only two people whom she's told about her favorite food for the past few days - Rin and Otoya.

A little after lunch period, inside the girl's bathroom, Misa casts her head down a little, all the while washing her hands before drying them with the tissues she took out from the tissue dispenser. Heaving a deep breath while looking at her reflection before leaving the restroom.

As soon as she leaves, a surprise awaits her.

"Teieri chan!"

Misa stops from her tracks, turning around on her heels to see a stout schoolmate with slicked hair to the side, looking at her with hopeful and dreamy eyes. She knows who this guy is - Koichi Musube; the only child of Musube Inc who gets overly excited when girls just simply say hi to him, his "friends" whom only uses his money to buy them food and who's ideal type they say are girls who can cook and sew.

"I like you, Teieri chan. Please go out with me!"

"Kohei, I like you. Please be mine!"

Suddenly hearing how she confessed to Kohei back then gave her the chills, suddenly making her feel uneasy in her spot.

"Sorry." She mumbles, looking away from Koichi. "I can't return your feelings." She adds.

As Koichi lifts his head up, his facial expression instantly scares Misa, a mixture of pain, disbelief and horror.

"W-What? Are you really going to reject me, Teieri chan?" He asks, laughing a little before bursting out. "Who do you think you are to reject me and my love?! Don't you think that was too harsh of you? I'll give you at least later afternoon to think about it!"

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