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Misa's, Himari's and Tao's eyes peered down on Misa's phone, looking at Lip2Lip's message displayed on the screen of her phone.

Tap on Lip2Lip to find your secret admirers!

"Are you sure you didn't download this?" Himari asks, sitting back up to look at Misa.

"Positive!" She affirms with a nod of her head. "It just came to me one day and it won't leave me alone! You two saw how it kept ringing in my pocket earlier, right?"

"Hey, you two, look over here." Tao calls out, gaining their attention as they look back on Misa's phone. "The message on the phone changed to you typing your name in."

Taking her phone in her hands, Misa taps on the space bar provided and begin to typing her first and last name, setting it back down on the ground and then clicking the send button.

As the app loads, the three girls' eyes widens in surprise. Flashed before their very eyes' were Misa's personal information.

Teieri Misa (帝襟 実桜)

March 27


Aoi Private Academy

" someone who looks and is like a prince charming. honest with his own feelings, acts rightfully and is against what he deems is wrong. in this world full of lies and greediness, his honesty will bloom inside my heart. "

"This app is a scam!" Himari yells out, standing back on her feet while placing her hands on top of her hips. "Your phone is obviously hacked! Re format it or get a new phone!"

"That is kind of creepy..." Tao voices out her opinion, looking at Misa with a worried expression. "What if some crazy stalker suddenly goes to our school and professes his love for you in our campus?"

As Misa thinks about the scenario Tao had told her, the conversation of the two girls aboard the train with her comes right back into her mind.

"Oh no, what should I do? I'm so in love with him!"

"Thank that darn app first. It lead you to meeting the love of your life."

"I don't think anyone can just enter our school!" She reasons out, looking at her two friends.  "Besides, don't you think this is kind of exciting?"


"How is that exciting?"

"That is what I wanted to know too! So let's see!" Misa happily gushes, smiling with her eyes closed.

And in just one tap of her finger on her screen on the leaping pink heart with her personal information, a neatly wrapped red gift box comes into view next, the top lid opening and then bursting out multiple trains of pink hearts going up, down, horizon and vertical.

Congratulations! You have 7 admirers in your school! ♡


"That's like half of a soccer team already!"

Tapping on the screen of her phone, Misa expected to see the seven profiles of her admirers. But as she repeatedly kept tapping on her phone, the message of her having seven admirers won't leave.

"Won't you tell me anything about them?!" She asks, gripping onto her phone. "At least one information!"

As the three girls stare at Misa's phone, the message on the screen changed.

Would you like to take 1 hint ♡ about your admirers?

Without any hesitation at all, Misa taps on the accept button.

Your admirers...are in the same grade level as you!

"So helpful..." Himari deadpans.

"It says the same grade level as us" Tao begins to say, "If its the same grade level as us...that means he could be in any class. Remember, one class in our grade level has forty students, multiply the forty into five, two hundred!"

"Among the two hundred of us, there is only seven of them." Misa responded. "But...the seven of them could be our classmates. Or they could be in a different class as us too!"

"That hint is trivial." Himari replies. "Let's keep an open mind and ears and try to pin point the obvious ones from now on."

"Alright!" Misa and Tao choruses.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

Coming face to face with her shoe cubby, a letter is placed on top of her shoes. Curiously, Misa extends her hand in to take the letter into her hands, taking the letter out of the envelope before unfolding and reading it.

Hi Misa! It's me, your prince charming!

As I write this letter, I wonder to myself, if we have something in common. I'm really curious about you. What is your favorite color? Do you like to play games? Do you like to read? Do you like movies? What do your eyes look like? What are your favorite clothing accessories? Do you like coffee? Do you like tea? Are you into cats? Or are you into dogs? What places do you want to travel to some day?

We've never met outside of school, so when I'm at home, I always think of the things I want to tell you personally when we meet outside. So maybe we could do things you like together! We can eat ice cream or parfait or crepe, sing to our hearts in a karaoke booth or walk by a river  bank. Whatever you're into, I'll do it with you.

I have a ton of things I want to tell you, but I'll stop here for now.

I'm only thinking of you today, princess.

- your prince charming

"Not only are you curious about him, so he's curious about you too." Himari replies, looking over Misa's shoulder as she reads the letter in her hands.

"The love letter is so high quality." Tao comments as she too is reading the love letter over Misa's shoulder. She turns around on her heels and faces where the rest of the student body are at.

"Oi! If you have a crush on my friend, don't be a coward!" She shouts out loud, causing everyone to look at her direction. "Are you a pervert? Do you have a foot fetish? Say your love for her in her face, not to her feet!"

"You are embarrassing us!" Himari shouts back, hand chopping Tao's head.

Chuckling softly, Misa's cheeks turn into bright pink in color while changing her shoes. "Let's go! I suddenly want to have those macarons in Harajuku!"

"Let's go!" both Himari and Tao chorused, the friend group of three exiting the school building in high spirits.

Unbeknownst to the three of them, the boy who left the love letter in Misa's shoe cubby stood on the other side of the shoe cubby locker, pointing at himself as he faces his friends.

"Me?" He questions. "Do I look like a pervert?"

"I didn't know you were into feet."

"Shut up!"

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