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cw: cursing

Inside Class B, Chigiri raises his hand up, catching the teacher's attention.

"I'll be going to the bathroom for awhile." He says, getting up from his seat and then heading towards the door, closing it behind him.

Despite the boy's restroom being on the left, Chigiri goes to the right, walking over to the shoe cubby locker on the first floor of the school building.

No one else would come out at this time, the second period of class is still commencing, hence everyone should be inside their respective classrooms, listening to whatever lecture is drawling on.

Or so that is what Chigiri believed.

Taking the letter out of his pocket, he smiled to himself as he re reads what he has wrote for Misa.

No matter which path you choose, I'll go with you. Even if you choose to walk a path that will have you carry a burden on your back, I'll carry it with you.

He smiles triumphantly to himself; in his mind he can already hear the voices of her friends talking about the letter followed by a flustered looking Misa as she finishes reading it.

Just thinking about her makes his heart skip a beat.

About to come out of the corner, Chigiri takes a step back, cautiously peaking as he spots another person standing in front of Misa's shoe locker.

"You have to make her smile and blush later, okay?" He hears him talk to the letter, as if cheering it on. "Give it your best, alright? I'm counting on you!" He says.

With his back pressed against the wall, Chigiri knows he's smiling as he say those words. Hearing the sound of a metal door creaking open and then closing.

Slowly, as he takes another peak at the face of the person who is also leaving Misa another love letter, he isn't surprised.

It was none other than Hiori Yo.

Waiting for at least a good five minutes before he can come out of his spot, Chigiri emerges from his hiding area, walking over to Misa's shoe cubby, unfolding the letter that Hiori has left for her.

Princess! Last weekend, a cute cafe opened near our school. I haven't been there yet, actually I wanted to go there with you. If I finally show you who I really am, will you go out with me?

You're always in my mind, princess.

- your prince charming

With a stoic facial expression, Chigiri folds the paper into it's original form, placing it back inside the cubby locker before placing his letter on top of it. His letter should be on top, should be the first that she reads.

After securing it inside, he locks the metal door and returns back to his classroom.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Look at you looking like a stalker." Karasu says, laughing at Otoya. "How many girls have you flirted with? And you still haven't gotten over her?"

"Shut up, the numbers don't count." Otoya replies, head hanging back against the bench rest. "Three."

"Three and you still can't get over her." Karasu mentions, slowly nodding his head. "Looks like she's got a good grip on you."

"Relationships are a pain in the ass." Otoya says, closing his eyes as he lets the morning sun bask on his skin. "But if it means going into a relationship with her, I'll do it."

"Yep. A really good grip on you." He mentions, crossing his arms as he leans his back against the bench. "Oh shit. Is that Isagi with Misa?"

"Fuck where?" Otoya immediately replies, lifting his head up and opening his eyes, looking both left and right to see where Misa and Isagi are. "That idiot's been hanging around her too much lately. Can't he see that she's not available?"

"Not available, my ass. She clearly rejected your confession last week." He retorts, using his head to nod at where Misa and her friends are. "I was joking too. Isagi isn't with them. But it proves a point!"

"Shut up." Otoya sighs, resuming back to his position on the bench. "I should have gotten her phone number by now, or were following each other on our socials."

"But she rejected you." He replies, chuckling again. "You should have been more straight forward with her! Say something along the lines of 'hey, i love you. go out with me.'"

"I got it!" Otoya says, standing up from the bench before going over to where Misa is.

Karasu sighs, looking out for Otoya. "Well, let's see how this goes out then."

"Hey, pretty." Otoya says, looking at Misa as he hands to her his phone. "You're more beautiful than the flowers blooming. Can I have your number?"

Misa blinks, looking at his phone first before looking at him.

"To how many girls have you said that line?"

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Looks like Otoya got rejected by her again!" Bachira beams, nudging Isagi by his shoulders. "I told you, you have a hundred percent chance on going out with her!"

"Do you think Otoya's the one leaving her those love letters?" The raven haired boy asks, looking at his best friend.

"Beats me." Bachira responded, "Who cares if it's Otoya or not? His advances on her are clearly getting rejected over and over. You have the upper hand here!"

"Oi" Raichi says, looking at Isagi. "How long will you lament for her? Just make a move already! You moping won't get you anywhere with her!"

"Amen up!" Igaguri chimes. "The gods are with you, Isagi! You have one hundred percent chance with her!"

"If you ever need an advice on how to come up and charm her, just come to me!" Imamura says, winking.

"What if Isagi gets rejected because he followed your advice?" Gagamaru asks, picking his nose with his pinky.

"Isagi is bound to win her over! I guarantee!" Imamura argues.

Kunigami could only laugh softly at his friends cheering Isagi up, watching as Otoya deflates and walks back to Karasu. Sure, Misa is pretty, but he didn't want to wind up with the number of competition. If given the chance, he'd like to be her friend instead.

"You're awfully quiet." Kunigami spoke, looking at a sullen faced Chigiri. "Something bothering you?"

Chigiri shook his head. "I'm all good here. If you're worried about me, let's worry what kind of training would Ego make us do later."

Kunigami chuckles, slowly nodding his head. "You're right. Trainings aren't the same everyday."

And to be honest, something really is bothering Chigiri. But he just chose not to be vocal about it, deciding to keep his mouth shut and block whatever the others are talking about, the one including Isagi and Misa.

Because for him, he knows he's the one who'll win over Misa's heart, the one who'll get to hear her say a sweet yes when asked out, not Isagi, not Otoya and definitely not Hiori.

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