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"Seriously? Someone already picked out your name from the vending machine?" It is Himari, speaking on the other side of the line. With Misa's phone pressed against her ear, a small smile paints her lips. She remained standing in front of the garden near gate six. 

"Apparently." Misa replies, feeling a small gust of wind breeze past her. Her heart races inside her chest and she repeatedly keeps turning her head back and forth. "Although I'm really nervous. I hope he's an okay type of guy." She expresses. 

"It's not like Kaede nor Kohei would appear right in front of you." It was now Tao speaking to her on the other line. "Kohei is already dating someone else so he's ticked out of the dating market. And Kaede looks like he's been kind of uneasy lately." 

No doubt about that. The memory of Otoya beating him up again in the hallway or back of the school always haunted Kaede. He knew to stay ten feet away from Misa if he wanted to live. 

"So where are you?" It is Himari's voice again. 

"Gate six. In front of the garden." Misa replies, turning around on her heels to admire the garden laid out behind her. "Apparently he told me that I should wait here because he'd come and get me." 

There was a pause on the other line before Himari's voice speaks through. 

"Details on how it goes!" She beams to Misa. "Failure to do so, I'd like to place an order! One bowl of curry ramen with additional boiled egg!" 

"Oh, I'd like cheese ramen with fish cakes for me!" Tao chirps afterwards. 

Whatever happens, happens. 

"I'll give you all the details you two need to know. From the swoon worthy ones down to the embarrassing as well." Misa replies, turning around on her heels to look if he is already in sight. He isn't yet. However, she could hear not one, not two, not three, but a bunch of footsteps drawing closer to her. 

"I gotta go now." And with that, Misa ends the calls. First period - Math, is about to start. Himari and Tao can wait after class for how did the coupling event goes. 

"You're on the right path." 

Lip's message to her from earlier still lingered in her mind. If anything, Misa didn't want to thread the water with her head on; rather, she wanted to be cautious about how she would go about the wave. Mistaking kindness or friendliness as a way of flirting would only result her to looking like an embarrassment. Sure she may have a drawn a draft on her potentially leads, but there is still no solid proof for her. May the proof be tangible or intangible. 

Closer and closer, the footsteps come closer. Soon enough, a group of boys or rather half of the Aoi Academy's soccer team stood right in front of her. In the middle stood Niko, whom she guesses is the one who called on her phone earlier. It wasn't Niko who placed the cherry on top of her cake, rather it is his accompaniments that did so. Niko had done something wonderful for her. 

All eight whom crossed paths with her stood right in front of her, Sae standing in the far back. 

A small smile painted on her lips. Raising her hand a little as she waves her phone to Niko. The warm glow of the sun casted above her head, highlighting her prominent blue hair.

"You called?"

"Thank you for coming to see me today." Niko replies, taking a few steps closer towards Misa. "Getting straight into the introduction, I'm Ikki Niko from Class B." He greets, bowing his head a little. "You're Miss Anri's sister, Misa, right?" He asks. 

"That's me!" She chirps. Pocketing her phone on the outside pocket of her bag. "Since the coffee shop is just around the corner, shall we go there?" Immediately, Misa takes a small leap to stand besides Niko's figure. Walking side by side and passing the rest of them by, she smiles and raises a hand at the rest of the soccer team members. 

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