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Standing in the front of a kitchen cabinet, looking for a cute spare bento box, Misa outstretches her arm to pick up a light wooden designed bento box, standing back up on her feet after kneeling on the floor.

And as Misa stands up and closes the cabinet door close, dawned into her - what does Otoya like to eat? Does he have any food allergies she should be aware of? What if she accidentally gives him something he didn't like?

"Why am I worrying about this" Misa says, not letting herself be drowned by her thoughts, going over to the sink to wash the bento box. "I don't need to cook a lot to impress him. Whatever I can do, I'll just do it." She adds, drying the box with a kitchen cloth, letting it rest on one side before going over to the fridge to think of what she could make. 

Rice, tuna, mayo and seaweed is equivalent to tuna rice ball.

Beef, asparagus, carrot and scallion is equivalent to beef rolls.

Cherry tomatoes and rolled eggs are a must too!

"Would he even like this?" She asks herself as she takes out a pack of green grapes from their fridge. Shrugging her shoulders, Misa closes the fridge door with her foot.

"Guess I'll just add this to the bunch."

When Misa said she didn't needed to make a lot to impress Otoya, she unconsciously did the opposite.

In the big portion of the bento box lays tuna mayo rice balls, on the other half portion are the beef rolls and the other half are the cherry tomatoes and egg rolls. On one separate container are the green grapes she'll never know if he likes it or not. Along inside the pretty wrapped bento box is a yogurt drink from her snack shelf.

He better like this. Or I'll skin him alive. Misa thinks to herself as she secures the tie of the cloth.

"Who's bento is that for?" She hears Anri's voice, the older girl entering the kitchen dressed in a dark green turtle neck and black A line skirt that stops on her knees.

"It's for me." The younger girl lies, holding onto the bento box in her hands. "I get really hungry these days so I'll pack myself a second lunch."

Anri grins, taking a banana in one hand and the other ruffling Misa's hair.

"Look at you! You're a growing girl, Misa!"

"I just fixed my hair!"

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Your bag looks extra heavy today." Himari comments while Tao takes a closer look at Misa's bag.

"Let's just say," Misa replies, sitting down on her chair before gently laying her bag down on the floor besides her feet. "that I made a deal with the devil."

Settling down on her spot, she felt her phone vibrate inside her bag. In a crowded place like her classroom, Misa is careful to take her phone out of her bag, not wanting to attract attention to herself.


What's that inside your bag? A bento box? Are you giving it to one of your admirers? ♡

"Whoa! Look!"

"What's he doing here?"

"Who did he come here for?"

"So what if I am making a bento box for- Hey, did you just say one of my-" Misa isn't able to finish what she is about to say as someone had knocked on her desk.

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