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There is something about watching Your Name that Misa couldn't exactly pin point. As she remains seated in her spot, she could vaguely recall having this kind of conversation with Himari and Tao. Recalling everything inside her head, the movie was released two years ago and so that made them in their first year of high school. But did she watch the movie by herself or with any member of her family? No. Did she watch the movie with her friends? Another no.

She didn't watch it on it's initial release as she planned to ask Kohei to watch the movie with her.

The taste of the caramel popcorn is just right - the taste of salty and sweet deliciousness blending together, just enough salt to tame the sugar. Misa occasionally would get one and pop them into her mouth, knowing full well to reserve for Niko when he gets back from the call he's taking. Speaking of Niko, he's taking a bit too long.

All alone by herself in a dark theater room with the scene of Taki waking up and sitting up on his bed. The medium sized bucket of popcorn rests on top of her lap while two water bottles are situated inside the drink holder. The dark blue haired girl completely unaware that she has company until now.

"Hi, can we join you?"

Niko steps out of the theater room and answers the call on his phone, pressing it against his right ear. "Hello?" He spoke on his line. He didn't want to stay out for too long, it would be rude of him to keep Misa waiting.

"Is it a bad time to be calling you right now?" Kunigami responded on the other line.

"Obviously." Niko replies, resting his free hand on his hip. "Is there anything you want to tell me? Let's make it quick."

"This isn't something I can just say over the phone." Kunigami says. "It's kind of difficult to explain so...can you meet me in a bit?"

Obviously this is against his will. "Can't it wait?"

"Afraid not." Kunigami chimes in. "Come on. Don't you want to know about it?"

If it was soccer related, Niko couldn't miss out on it. As he heaves a sigh, he nods his head. "Where are you?" He asks the orange haired male. Wanting to get over this as fast as possible to join Misa again.

"Gym in the library." Kunigami replies. 

As soon as he knew, Niko ends the call and briskly makes his way to where he is. He hated having to take a sidetrack to having to meet Kunigami. Nevertheless, he still needed to go. What was once a light brisk walk turned into jogging; before he knew it, he's already opening the glass doors of the school's gym.

Darting his eyes around the gym, he looks over to where Kunigami is. And he found him with his back facing him, running on the treadmill. Walking over to where he is, he stood behind him and looked at him through his reflection.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Niko asks.

As Kunigami's auburn eyes darts over to Niko's figure via the floor length mirror in front of him, he opens his mouth. Soft pants of breaths escaping his lips. Beads of sweating trickling down on his body and sipping through his shirt.

"What I wanted to tell you is...Hi."

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Huh?" Misa hums. "What are you two doing here, Nagi? Reo?"

"We wanted to watch this movie too!" Reo exclaims, he too is holding onto a bag of popcorn. The aroma of the cheddar cheese flavor filling her nostrils. "I got snacks while Nagi here has the drinks!" He beams to her.

Reo had no problems occupying the empty seat on Misa's left side, immediately setting down. However, after Nagi had placed their drinks into the cup holder and before he could even sit down on the right side (Niko's original spot), a hand clamps down on his shoulder. Turning his head to see Isagi.

"Sorry. But I'm taking that spot next to her." Isagi argues.

"What's wrong?" Misa asks, turning her head to look between Nagi and Isagi.

"Don't worry about them, Misa." Reo beams to her, his lips painted into a sweet smile. "Isagi's irrelevant!"

"Piss off." Nagi responded, low but with a hint of threaten. "Just because you were eyeing this seat doesn't mean you can just sit on it." He points out, taking a seat next to Misa. "I got here first. Wouldn't it be rude of you to just tell me to get out?" He asks the bluenette.

"Hi." Otoya greets, peaking his head behind Misa's left shoulder.

A gasp leaves her lips, startled at this greeting. "H-Hello..." Misa greets back, still surprised by him. Behind Otoya's head, Reo rolls his eyes, crossing one leg over the other.

Defeated, Isagi takes a seat behind Nagi. He didn't feeling of defeat nor be defeated, there wasn't much he can do. All there is left for him is to accept the situation.

"We'll sit next to Misa next time." Chigiri spoke to him in a soft tone, his back leaning against the seat of the cinema room. Taking a sip on his drink. "You've got to watch for the two of them. They're colluding together." He says, nodding his head towards Reo's and Nagi's direction, undoubtedly sitting in front of them with Misa in the middle.

"Right." Isagi agrees.

"However," Chigiri adds. "Just because I told you to watch out for them doesn't mean I'll let you get Misa easily." He says, grinning at Isagi. "It's a war on love, Isagi. I don't see any problem dragging you down if you're getting in my way."

What Chigiri had just said is correct. All is fair in love and war. And right now, everyone apart from Misa right now in this cinema room is his enemies. Just like in the real world, war is something that is easy to begin with but hard to end. And in order to win, he needed to secure his weapons and wage the war successfully.

"Right!" Isagi agrees. A glint of determination gleaming in his eyes. It wasn't until Otoya, who is sitting besides him hushes him.

"Keep it down, man." Otoya says.

"I'll just sit here instead." Hiori spoke, a tinge of disappointment laced in his voice as he sits down besides Chigiri.

"This is the worst." Rin mumbles, settling himself down besides Otoya and behind Reo. Stealthily glaring at Sae who sat besides Reo. Even the two of them silently glared at each other. Obviously, they didn't like the idea of sharing among them. Both Nagi and Reo are the only ones who made a compromise and resolution between them.

Just outside the cinema room, Niko places a hand against the handle. However, the door wouldn't swing open. As he heaves a deep sigh and throws his head back, he turns around to look for a staff nearby him.

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