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With her back turned on them, Misa felt someone tugging on the sleeve of her uniform, turning around, she is met with Nagi standing right in front of her.

"Good job at training today!" She beams to him, noticing the beads of sweat trickling down on the tips of his hair and gliding down on his skin. Fishing her handkerchief out, Misa takes one step closer, standing on her tiptoes as she lightly presses the cotton cloth on his face.

"You'll have your sweat entering your eyes if you don't wipe them away quickly." She tells him, steadying herself by placing one hand on top of his shoulder. "If you don't wipe them away, you'll irritate and make your eyes uncomfortable." She adds.

Despite her small stature, Misa kept balancing herself with her tiptoes. Nevertheless of how she kept swaying a little to the left or to the right, she did well until she felt a stinging pain on her foot, prompting her to fall backwards.

But instead, Nagi had wrapped his arms around her waist, immediately catching her before completely falling down on the grassy field.

"You should be careful." He quietly spoke to her, gently bringing her balance back on the ground. "Next time, I'll just duck down so I'll level with you." He tells her.

"Ah, it's alright!" Misa responded. "This is the second time you've saved me, I'm really so thankful for you, Nagi!" She beams to him.

"What's going on over here?" A voice spoke from her behind, taking a turn to see who it is, it is Reo jogging up to them.

"Hello Reo!" Misa greets him, Nagi only staring blankly at the purple haired male.

"Last weekend was great!" He says, grinning widely at her. "Let's do that again next time!"

Before Misa could even let out a response, Nagi had beat her to it.

"What did you two do?" He asks, his eyes mostly trained at Reo's.

With a small glint in his eye, he sticks his tongue out from the corner of his lips. "We had a little date together at the museum. If only we had not been caught, we could have gotten into the exciting part."

Feeling her face heating up, Misa immediately speaks up.

"I have to go now." She says, looking at the two of them. "See you tomorrow at school!" She adds, turning around and then jogging away to join where her older sister is.

Now left alone, Reo turns to give Nagi a sharp look. "You like her, don't you?"

Instead of responding, Nagi maintained his silence, wiping the rest of his sweat with the short sleeve of his jersey.

"You don't have to deny it." Reo says, crossing his arms over his chest. "I see the way you make a move on her. I'm not oblivious to it. I've been noticing it since last week too."

Again, Nagi remained in his silence. Though silent, his eyes lingered on Misa's back, watching her leave the field along with their assistant coach.

"Hey Reo" Nagi begins to say, averting his attention to him. "Is it possible for a treasure to find another treasure?"

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"We have to go to cram school now." Tao spoke, the friend group of three watching the gray skies pour out fat drops of rain onto the ground. "With the weather, Himari and I would be late."

"Can't you two skip it?" Misa frowns. "I was really looking forward that we'd get to hang out today."

"We can do it tomorrow." Himari chimes in, slinging the straps of her backpack around her shoulders. "Besides, our cram school is in another city and commute's such a hassle when it's raining."

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