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"Yo, Chigiri!" Kunigami spoke, taking long strides to get to Chigiri. "Where were you? You suddenly vanished for the remainder of the class. Everyone's looking for you, stupid."

Chigiri is quiet for a moment before averting his eyes. "Is that so?" He quietly responded before walking away, heading towards the direction of the school field.

"What's gotten you so quiet?" Kunigami asks, walking behind him. "Why did you suddenly leave class and didn't come back?"

Chigiri didn't know if he should answer that question or not. He could still hear the response he received inside his mind, playing like a broken record.

"I was with Misa the whole day." Chigiri finally spoke, letting out a deep breath. "We spent the whole day at the rooftop of the elementary building. The locks aren't so hard to figure out given that it's code is elementary level as well."

"I see." Kunigami says, "So, how did it go then?" He asks. "Are you finally dating her?" He chuckles, "You know I did promise you that I'll be the first to congratulate you if you are." 

The same nonchalant expression remained on his face, even as when they left the school building and the cool air of April wafts around them.

"I wish we were." He answers.

"Huh?" Kunigami piques. "Did she say no to you?"

"Not really." Chigiri says, "All Misa said is...to give her time to think about it."

"Where were you?" Himari asks, a worried expression clouding on her face, arms crossed over her chest. "Thank the teachers today. They aren't so much as looking for today."

"Apparently, the faculty had a mini meeting about your situation and they let you off the hook by giving you a day off." Tao chimes in, handing Misa her bag.

"But on top of that," the brown haired girl asks with glasses, "Where were you?"

"Me?" Misa asks, taking her bag. "I was just at the rooftop with Chigiri!" She responded, giving them a tight lipped smile with her eyes closed. "Apparently, he's a great person to talk to! I told him how everything - how I celebrated my birthday yesterday to what makes me happy to how long I've been attending this academy!"

"Wow." Himari comments, "Talk about skipping school just to meet cute."

"It's not like that!" Misa says. "Besides, he asked me if I'd go out with him."

Upon hearing her words, both Himari and Tao screeched.

"What did you say?"

"Don't tell me you're going out with Chigiri Hyoma already?!"

Misa chuckles softly. "I just told him to give me time first!" She says, "No seriously, I really need time. From what happened yesterday and earlier to Lip's revelation to his sudden question earlier, I need some time to let them all sink in inside my mind."

Heaving out a deep breath, Misa closes then opens her eyes.

"A lot has happened today." She adds. "I can't wait to just get home and play video games!"

The moment Misa turns her heels around, her face collides with a lean built body. Lifting her head up to look at who it is, she blinks twice at him. Purple colored orbs meeting teal ones.

"I finally found you."

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

With her eyes cast down on the drink set in front of her, Misa couldn't help but sandwich her hands between her thighs. The silence is anything but uncomfortable.

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