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Everyone at the Teieri household had already left in the early hours of the morning except Misa who slept soundly. Mouth parted open, clear drool cascading down from the corner of her mouth, stomach exposed as her pajama top hiked up and a pillow already out of the bed. With the one day free pass she's given, of course she'd spent it by starting to sleep in. Despite Aoi Private Academy starting classes at 8:45, she needed to get up at seven. Seven hours of sleep is still not enough for her; not when she still blasts music on her earphones in the late night hours.

What parted Misa from her sleep was hearing the three knocks on the door. Humming and closing her mouth, she slowly and sleepily gets up from her bed. Blinking her eyes thrice before planting her feet down on the ground. It is unlikely that her parents would leave something behind for work considering that they double and triple check through their belongings. If it was Anri, her older sister, she'd whine about being woken up early. 

Exiting her bedroom, not bothering to check her appearance, she makes her way to the living room. Unlocking the door before taking a hold on the knob, twisting it open and then opening the door. It wasn't Anri who showed up on the other side of the door, rather, it was Hiori. The two of them stared at each other for a while - Hiori staring at Misa in shock and surprise and Misa staring at Hiori sleepily. A couple more blinking until her own sleepiness fades away, Misa is brought to consciousness.

And when she's brought to consciousness, her eyes widened in surprise, slamming the door in front of Hiori.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Misa spoke, now standing in the kitchen and looking much better than earlier, she lets Hiori into her house. The cyan haired male smiling with his eyes closed, sitting in the dining table while watching Misa's figure move about in the kitchen. It was nice to have stimulating conversations like this with other people; his parents would not even ask nor entertain other topics apart from his body condition and soccer.

"You're alright." He replies. He wouldn't even make fun of how he saw her. If anything, he's glad Misa's sleeping well.

"However, why are you here, by the way?" Misa asks, heading towards the dining table with two plates filled with pancakes, fresh cream and berries. "You're supposed to be at school and then making your way to training later in the afternoon. Won't Rin scold you for not making an appearance?"

Sure, Rin would scold him. But he's got Nanase covering him up. He trust that he will.

"My one day absence won't be too troublesome." Hiori affirms. As his eyes casts down to the breakfast she made, he gasped. "This looks pretty good, Misa!" He comments, taking a hold of a fork, cutting a small piece of pancake , dipping in cream with fruit. Bringing it closer to his mouth and taking a bite, his eyes widens in surprise. "It is really good!"

Humming in delight, a small smile paints Misa's lips while chewing on her food. "I'm glad you like it!" She beams, swallowing the food down. "Sweets are really comforting, aren't they?" She asks, taking a strawberry into her mouth.

"Speaking of, since you're here, want to play video games later?"

"Of course!"

Just as promised, as the two finished eating, they found themselves sitting comfortably in front of the TV. Controllers in hand and various colors illuminating on their faces.

"Hey, no fair!" Misa grumbles, taking a glance at Hiori. "You said you wouldn't use a combo!"

"Did I?" Hiori playfully asks, teasing her.

Grumbling once more, Misa presses the X button on REMATCH? question. 

"Oho. I see." Hiori chuckles softly. "You won't be using a combo on me too, right?"

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