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an: after reading " 六 " please read this first before " 八 " . i made an error yesterday and published chapter 8 instead of 7.

"A body swap is a story telling device seen in a variety of fiction, most often on TV shows and movies. In which two people or beings exchange minds and end up in each other's bodies but their minds stay where they are as their bodies adjust." The english teacher, Mrs Tokoyami spoke to the class.

As embarrassed as Misa is right now, she kept glancing from left to right to see which person would be nice enough to share their book with her; as she has forgotten to bring hers, leaving the book inside the safety of her bedroom.

Not only that, but Mrs Tokoyami had proposed for Class A and C to merge into one for today's lesson, reasoning that for some reason, today's schedule for Class A and C collide with each other, hence, she wanted to hit two birds with one stone.

And now it seems like Class A and Class C will have merged classes together until the end of the school year.

"Ms Himari!" Mrs Tokoyami suddenly calls for her attention, the elderly woman looking at the blonde haired girl. "What do you think causes body swapping in literary works?"

"Uh..." Himari hums, "It is caused such as amulets, heartfelt wishes or just strange quirks of the universe." She replies, shrugging her shoulders lightly.

"Correct." Mrs Tokoyami replies with a small smile on her face.

Turning her head to the side, she caught sight of a white haired boy sleeping behind his book that he set up straight to use as his little hiding, so as not to let Mrs Tokoyami know that he is subtly not sleeping in her class.

Heaving a deep breath, she slowly extends her hand out to tap him on his shoulder.

"Hm?" The boy hums, sleepily opening his eyes to look at her.

"Sorry..." Misa begins to say, sending him an apologetic look. "But can I borrow your book too? I left mine at home." She adds, giving him puppy dog eyes while her hands are clasped together.

The white haired boy stared at her for a second, lips not moving until he sat up straight, humming. "Sure." He replies.

A smile immediately paints Misa's lips, moving her chair a little closer to him to take a glimpse of the topic they are currently learning about, the boy laying his book down flat on top of his desk.

"Hm?" The boy hums, turning his head to look at Misa. "You're so far, you won't be able to see anything." He tells her before placing his hands on her chair.

"Move closer to me." He mutters, moving her chair much closer to him.

The simple action alone made Misa's cheeks blush bright pink in color, pursing her lips into a thin line, their arms brushing, outer thighs touching and knees colliding each others.

"Well, if it isn't so nice to see, Mr Nagi finally awake!" Mrs Tokoyami beams, walking closer to his table. "Good morning, Mr Nagi!" She greets him. "Kind of you to even share your book with Ms Teieri." She adds. 

Heads of boys and girls turn to look at the two of them, some were looking at the two of them with shocked expression, others with a scowl on their faces, but Himari and Tao had their eyes wide as they stared right back at her. 

"Mr Nagi, can you tell me a literary work that started the body swap device?" Mrs Tokoyami asks, looking at Nagi.

Nagi could only look back at their English teacher with a blank expression on his face, not understanding what she just asked him.

In order to return the favor of letting him borrow his book to her, Misa quickly acted on it. Taking out a small paper and pen, scribbling the words Vice Versa onto the paper before discreetly showing it to Nagi, gently tapping his hand before pointing at the hint.

"Vice Versa" Nagi replies.

"Very good, Mr Nagi." Mrs Tokoyami says with a nod of her head. "But can you tell me and the rest of the class what the Vice Versa story is about?"

"It's about a father and son who received a magic stone from India that made them switch places." Misa discreetly whispers, loud enough for Nagi to hear all the while looking at the blackboard.

"A father and son receive a magic stone from India had them switch places." Nagi repeats, looking at Mrs Tokoyami.

"Living each other's lives, they gain better understanding of each other before switching back." Misa continues, still whispering discreetly the answers to Nagi.

"They live each other's lives to gain better understanding of each other before switching back." He repeats. 

With a smile, Mrs Tokoyami gives a nod of approval. "Thank you, Mr Nagi." She says before turning around on her heels, walking back to the front of the classroom all the while drawling about Western movies that has the body swap storytelling device.

"Hey" She hears Nagi say, turning her head to look at him.

"Thanks for the save there. This class is really boring." He spoke to her, situating his book between the two of them.

"Ah, it's a no problem!" Misa responded, cheeks bright pink in color. "I needed to repay you back somehow."

"Repayments are so bothersome." Nagi replies, humming.

In a blink of an eye, he rests his head on top of Misa's right shoulder, closing his eyes as he gets comfortable. As soon as he does, he is out like light.

Turning her head a little to look at him, Misa's heart flutters at how peaceful he looks while asleep. Despite telling her that repayments are bothersome, she continued to repay him back by letting him use her shoulder as his pillow, not minding the ache she'll face later on.

In another side of the school, a boy stood in front of Misa's shoe cubby, all alone with nothing but a love letter in his hand. As he stealthily unlocks the lock to place his words of admiration and longing for her, he is surprised to see another letter placed underneath her shoe.

Seeing another love letter for her given by someone else made him feel a turmoil in his chest. He thought, he is the only one giving her sweet words pouring from his heart to his pen to paper, his hopeless romantic self delivering it anonymously to her when she isn't around. But he was so wrong for thinking so.

Letting the color green for envy get the better of him, he takes a hold of the folded paper tucked under her shoes, unfolding before reading it.

Your prince charming is back!

I want to thank you for being my sunshine. Your smile is a beauty I long to always see after a downpour. I'm so full of love for you that a hundred hearts is not enough to carry out all of the love I harbor for you. You mean so much to me, my princess.

And as he read the lines of another person giving her a love letter, a wry and vacant expression clouds over his face. The bitter taste of defeat lathering all over his mouth, feelings understated and supported by anger. He won't let his jealousy take a hold of him.

For as long as she hasn't made a choice, he will continue to fight for her love.

Folding the paper back into two and tucking it back under her shoe, he places his letter for her on top of it, quietly closing the cubby hole door back, locking it afterwards. As he finally carries out his mission, he returns back to his classroom without so much of a thought.

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