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That weekend spent with Reo was a bliss. When he learned about how she's having a little pre birthday celebration for herself, he invited himself in and began to lead her to various shopping stores within the mall.

"This is all too much!" She tells him when they entered what seemed to be the sixth store that day.

"Nothing is too much, Misa." He replies, looking at different shoes displayed on the racks. "Besides, you only turn seventeen once. So enjoy it while you can." 

Sure he is right on that, but if given the chance, Misa wanted to drag him out of the mall, go to a cat cafe, pet cute cats while drinking coffee or tea together. Sounds ideal.

"Don't you think Ego looks hot in that black button down?" Tao asks, sighing dreamily as she watches Ego from a good distance. 

Himari snorts. "He wears the same shirt everyday to school. What's new." She replies. "Anywho, I've already bought the cupcake and cake ingredients to bake on Misa's birthday. Would you prefer carrot cake flavored or strawberry flavored cupcake?" Himari asks, turning her head to look at Misa.

"Misa?" She asks.

As both Tao and Himari turn to look at Misa, they caught sight of her lost in her own bubble, lost in her own little daydream. What was she thinking about? Who brought her head up in the clouds?

Just as they are about to call out for her again, to bring her back to reality, Isagi comes into view. His figure bringing Misa back to reality as well.

"H-Hi Misa" He says, face red tomato in color as he faces her. "W-Would you, uh like to walk around campus with me?" He asks.

Turning her head to look at the time on her phone, there is still ample time before the first class begins.

"Sure." She replies, giving Isagi a small smile, turning her head to look at both Tao and Himari.

"I'll see you two in our classroom!" She bids, going out of the school building side by side with Isagi.

As the two leave, both Himari and Tao are stood frozen on their spots.

"What just happened?" Himari asks, too stunned to believe what just unfolded to them.

"Isagi and Misa?" Tao questions.

"I know right! But I totally ship them!"

Both girls let out a shriek as they hear a third voice behind them, turning around, it was only a fellow schoolmate whom they know is always with Isagi, Meguru Bachira.

"Isagi is totally hopeless with girls, so I'll do my best to push him to Misa before the rest!" He says, sticking a tongue out while shrugging his shoulders playfully.

"Before the rest?" Himari questions, the blonde girl furrowing her eyebrows at him. "Do you know something?"

Bachira grins, winking at Himari. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"What kind of weather do you prefer, Misa?" Isagi asks, the two of them walking around campus.

Misa hums, thinking about it. "I like it when it's sunny, of course. But I also like it when it's cloudy. It gives me a good excuse to not go outside and just stay indoors." She says, taking a quick glance at him.

"What about you? What kind of weather do you like?" It was her turn to ask him.

"Hm...I like it when the weather is just perfect." He replies, smiling with his eyes closed. "So your older sister is Ms Anri, right?"

Misa hums again with a nod of her head. "She used to play soccer like you guys. She was on Nadeshiko Japan."

"Seriously?" Isagi gaps. "Your sister is so cool!" He says, "Do you know how to play soccer too?"

"No I don't." Misa replies, sending Isagi an apologetic smile. "Sadly, my older sister and I are complete opposites. If she's into sports, I'm not. If I know how to cook, she can't."

"Then you two balance each other!" Isagi says. "That's so cool too!"

"Is it okay if I ask you a question?" Misa asks, giving Isagi a tight lipped smile.

"Go ahead" He tells her.

"Are you the one sending love letters to my locker?" She asks without any hesitation.

"Someone has been sending you love letters?" Isagi asks, sounding like a demand and threat to him, stopping from his tracks.

"I'm sorry if you think I'm offending you. I only mean to ask." Misa responds. "It's been a few days since someone has been leaving notes for me to read. And you're the first person I'm asking out of my circle of friends."

"It's okay. I'm not offended at all." Isagi replies, pocketing one hand as he balls it into a fist. "But no, it's not me who's giving you those. Do you know who? Have you seen their faces? Know the names? Can you give me a name?"

Misa shook her head. "I still don't know who this person is." She replies. "But anywho, let's go back inside the school now, Isagi! We don't want to be late!"

Behind the two, Eita Otoya watches both Misa and Isagi walk together inside the school building, not missing the bright smile that Misa paints on her lips.

"Hey, are you listening?" The girl before him asks, pouting. "I'm asking if you got my number on your phone."

"No. I don't need your phone number anymore, Kaori." Otoya responded, walking away from her.

"It's Kairi!"

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Does Mrs Tokoyami hate me?" Misa asks herself later that afternoon as she trudges her way up the stairs, both hands holding onto stacks of papers in her hands. 

"These are so heavy!" She complains to herself, feeling her upper arms getting sore from the lifting she does.

Lifting her right foot up to climb a step on the stairs, she suddenly felt the heavy weight in her arms slowly disappear, surprised to see Nagi right in front of her, now holding the papers she was holding onto seconds ago.

"Thank you." She says, smiling.

"Mrs Tokoyami asked me." He plainly and sleepily replied, turning back around and leading the way towards the office lounge on the second floor.

"It's nice to see you outside of the classroom, normally I'd see you cooped up by yourself." Misa says, watching Nagi walk ahead of her. "Do you not like talking to people?"

"It's bothersome." He simply replies, not facing her.

Is he really like this? Misa wonders. Jogging up the stairs as she follows behind him.

Arriving at the lounge room, Nagi places the stack of papers on top of Mrs Tokoyami's table.

"Thank you." Misa says again, looking up at him.

Without so much as another word, she only receives one look from him and then he's already walking out of the door.

"Ah, there you are, Ms Teieri!" Mrs Tokoyami says, smiling at the teenage girl. "Thank you so much for carrying those papers."

"Actually, Nagi is the one who carried these." The younger girl replies, patting the papers with her hand.

Mrs Tokoyami blinks, closing the door behind her. "I see. Mr Nagi is a good guy, isn't he?" She asks, walking to her desk and sitting down on her chair.

"But, Mrs Tokoyami" Misa begins to say, "Didn't you ask him to carry these?"

"Huh?" The older woman quizzes, looking up at Misa. "Me? I never asked him."

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