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"To beat her other potential suitors, it's like were marketing ourselves." Reo begins to say, both the purple haired male and the white haired male walk themselves to their classroom. "For that to happen, you need to know your way with words, show a little personality and study your competition. Putting yourself out there in the niche market will make you stand out. And when we stand out, we'll be the cream of the crop!" He announces, a few heads turning his way. It didn't mattered that he was attracting attention, he is far ahead in his plan to keep Misa to themselves.

With their own resolution and resolve, both Nagi and Reo compromised to be together and have her fall for the two of them. Reo is someone special to Nagi and Nagi is someone special to Reo, instead of breaking each other, they learned to be together and have Misa to themselves. Most people wouldn't accept their relationship but why did their opinions have to matter? They are dating themselves and not the others. It didn't matter if they earned themselves nasty glares, for as long as they are happy and not hurting anyone else, everything is fine.

"What a hassle." Nagi could only say. Pulling his chair out and placing his bag besides his feet. Laying his head down on top of his light wooden colored desk. "You talk so much in the early morning already, Reo."

"But it's gonna help us stand out from the crowd!" Reo insists, sitting in the table that isn't even his spot in the classroom. "For the two of us to start out strong will leave a strong impression on Misa. The market today is competitive, if we can get our own reputation, it'll be a make or break." He adds. For Reo, he wanted the two of them to be unique; Nagi and Misa are his personal and cherished treasures.

Though Nagi closed his eyes, he knew what Reo was pertaining to. And Nagi is no stranger to the feelings he's been feeling lately. Ever since word rang amongst students that Sae Itoshi arrived at their school and presented Misa with an engagement ring, he started to feel...weird. Was it because the engagement ring provoked him and Reo? Did he get jealous because Sae butted into the line? He isn't quite sure where it stemmed from but one thing Nagi did know is that, he couldn't exactly put his feelings into words.

"A source of mine told me that the ring he got her was an eighteen karat gold ring with a single diamond embellished in the middle." Reo spoke, crossing one leg over the other under the table. With his phone in hand, he began to browse for accessories, tapping into ' RINGS ' section. As he does so, various rings from designer brands pops up in his screen - eighteen karat white gold, ten karat white gold solitaire and three stoned diamond eighteen carat gold with moissanite. All the prices ranged from ¥28,500 to ¥90,800*, but in all honesty, the price never mattered to Reo. What is dominating the world with Nagi if Misa isn't part of that world.

"Nagi" Reo begins to say, turning his head to look at the white haired male. "Want to watch the coupling game?"

On the other side of the side of the classroom, a similar male had his head down on his desk.

"This isn't like you." Karasu spoke, side eyeing his friend before heaving a sigh. "Pull yourself together, man. I don't want to have to cheer you up again." He tells him. At Otoya's last rejection, he cheered him up by eating ramen together at the nearest ramen stall in the school.

"I got myself." Otoya replies, sitting himself back up in his seat. "But you know what" He begins to say, head tilted to look at Karasu's direction.


"Ever since Misa keeps rejecting me...I find it hot when she does that."

"Never mind. Looks like you don't need any cheering up." Karasu proceeds to heave a deep sigh, nudging Otoya in the rib. "Isn't the coupling game today? Do you wanna watch?"

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