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italicized means flashback

"This temple houses some national treasures of Japan. From where we stand, Mount Kurama is considered to be a mystical place because of the appearance of what are called Tengu. A long nosed legendary creatures found in Japanese folk stories that represented to ancient people the mysterious power of the mountains."

Though the tour guide for their group went on and on, twelve year old Hiori could care less about what is exactly happening. He stood in the back end of their group, his eyes wandering around the location. Around them, lots of tourists flock the area. The atmosphere in this place greatly feels different from when they were still in the city. If they get over this tour quickly, he'll have lots of time to look around if there is any stalls selling salt grilled saury.

"The Kifune Shrine is a shrine that worships the kami associated with water. Three locations make up the Shrine."

Letting out a yawn, the people around him either took pictures of themselves with the vast view, pictures of the architecture or plainly listened to their own tour guide; letting them talk to their ears and listen away at the information overload. Sure this pilgrimage site is great and all, but he isn't in the best of moods today. For one, he was almost casted out of this field trip simply because his parents had thought sight seeing is a waste of time.

"Why do you even want to go that field trip? Kyoto is still the same."

"If you want to go that field trip, hone your passing first."

"Eating these will help bring more nourishment to your body. When you get older, you'll thank me for it."

"I'll give you guys fifteen minutes to look around have pictures!" The tour guide beams, smiling with their eyes closed. "When the fifteen minutes are up, let's meet up again in this spot!"

Soccer this, soccer that. Sure he loves the sport, it's his parents that is suffocating him. Always number two but never number one. All the while, Hiori mindlessly ascends up the stone steps of the shrine, he face bumps into a person's back. The bump causing him to ground back to reality.

"Are you alright?" He hears a girl ask. With a hand on his nose, Hiori looks up to see a girl with short dark blue hair, a concerned expression painted over her face. "Is your nose broken? I-I'll call someone for help." The girl offers.

"No need." Hiori dismisses, letting go of his nose. "I'm alright." He adds. As his eyes darts down to her hands, he takes notice of the camera in her hands. "Are you taking pictures of the city?"

The girl blinks her eyes before nodding her head. "Yeah I am!" She chirps. "Honestly, field trips are so nice. I feel like an adult because I'm going from one place to another without my parents. Though they gave me an allowance, I'm still traveling on my own! What's more, Kyoto is one of the cities I wanted to go to. Something about getting in touch with centuries old history is exciting!"

"Ah! I've rambled too much." The girl with short dark blue hair quickly adds, lowering her head to him. "I'm sorry if you had to endure listening to my non sensical enthusiasm. Please, forget that we ever talked to each other."

Before she could even take one step higher amongst the stair steps, Hiori extends a hand out to hold her elbow. "It's fine." He replies, watching her tilt her head to look back at him. "If anything, hearing your enthusiasm made me a little jealous." He admits, letting out a small chuckling sound under his breath. He wished he was just like her. A bird so care free and full of freedom.

"Do you like visiting shrines and temples?" Hiori asks, attempting to make small talk with her as she takes pictures.

"Yes I do." She replies, pressing on the trigger of her camera. "I like traveling to the point that my mother gifted me with my own camera." She adds. "She says looking at the pictures makes her feel like she's seeing them with me." Must be nice to have genuine supporting parent.

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