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an: i'm alive

"How bold of you to just claim rights on her." It was Rin, standing behind Misa. One hand slapping away Misa's hand from getting the ring while one hand held her forehead.

"Hm? Hello to you too." Sae spoke nonchalantly, the bored and hollow expression now clouding over his face.

"Nobody even wanted you here. So why bother to come here?" Rin asks. "If you wanted to have her so badly, you'd have to get in line behind. Specifically behind me." Rin spoke, removing his hand from Misa to get her bag. "Don't just waltz as you please, older brother."

And with that, he tugged on Misa's wrist, dragging out of the coffee shop of the school and further outside of the school building.

"Rin" Misa says, looking at him from behind, but to no response. Rin kept taking long strides and had his hand around her wrist tightly. His hold on her beginning to hurt against her wrist. Misa is sure that once he's removed his hand off her, it'll leave a red mark against her skin.

"I get it." Misa spoke, applying pressure on her feet as she halts from walking, yanking his hold from her. "But you're hurting me."

"Why were you even there with him?" Rin asks with a venomous tone as he turns around to face Misa. "You could be with anyone inside that coffee shop but why out of everyone are you with him?" He further asks. The disdain in his voice evident.

"Why does it matter to you if I'm with your older brother?" Misa asks, tilting her head to the side. "And I wasn't even planning to get that ring nor put it immediately on my finger. How low do you think of me to just give myself away to a guy whom I barely know?"

"And for your information, I was about to close the box and slide back to him." She adds, huffing out a breath. "Does what I was supposed to initially do help you sleep better tonight?"

Rin simply looks away, not saying anything yet still holding onto Misa's bag.

"You matter to me." He mumbles under his breath.

"What was that?" Misa asks.

"I said I can't stand natural born idiots like you." He spoke much clearer, tossing her bag to her before rummaging something out of his bag, extending his hand out to her.

"Open it when you get home." He says, closing his bag. "I'm already late for training."

All Misa could do is take a hold of whatever he gave to her while watching him walk towards the back of the school. As Rin's figure slowly disappears from her sight, Misa proceeds to open the white plastic bag - inside contained the strawberry milk and box of macarons.

Later on that night, dark blue hair still wet from the shower and already clad in matching pajamas, Misa sits down on her study table. The tips of her hair beading down wet drops that stain the lower hem of her shirt. The jar of love letters seemed to be almost filling up the jar itself and she didn't know when it would end.

Sighing softly to herself, Misa takes the old paper she used on her birthday and a black inked pen in one hand; eyes casting down on the words that she wrote on that day.

1. Isagi (i just think he is??? what kind of guy asks a girl to go on a walk with him around campus? and always says hi to you? think of it!)

2. Otoya (i have my reasons for him. but he's a 50/50 chance.)

Removing the cap of her pen, Misa scribbles again into the paper.

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