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Sitting all by herself in the bleachers, Misa could only watch them go on with their training while she tried to occupy herself with anything that catches her attention. But how could she when she had nothing to distract her? All the boys were busy training not only with their bodies, but with their minds, her older sister Anri and Ego are talking amongst themselves in one corner of the field. There is exactly nothing she could do to amuse herself.

"You see Rin and Isagi over there?" She suddenly hears a voice speak to her, turning her to see Otoya sitting besides her, a water bottle in his hand.

"Isagi is actually attempting to make Rin pass the ball to him." He adds, taking a sip on his water bottle. "Let's make a bet. Do you think Rin would pass the ball to him or no?"

From where they are seated, Misa carefully watches how Rin plays from one side of the field before turning her eyes to look at Isagi from another side. Soccer is a game played with teamwork, right?

"He'll make a pass to Isagi." Misa responded with a nod of her head.

Otoya grins, shaking his head. "He won't."

The dark blue haired girl blinks, still watching Rin and Isagi from afar. "Why won't he?" She asks.

At the exact same time, despite Isagi's numerous attempts to call for Rin to pass the ball to him, Rin brushes him off and kicks the ball, earning himself an nth goal for the day.

"Because that's just how he is." Otoya replies, taking another sip on his water bottle. "I'd like to propose on the bet."

Pouting, Misa looks away. "What do you want?"

"Let's see..." Otoya says, humming while pretending to drum his fingers against his chain. "How about you make me a bento tomorrow and give it to me in front of the whole soccer team?"

"What?!" The girl shrieks, immediately covering her mouth as a few heads turn to look at her direction. "You can ask for anything else but not that!"

"Anything you say?" Otoya asks, his eyes looking down at her soft, supple lips.

Blushing furiously to herself, Misa turns her head back to look at the field. "Fine. But it's going to take a lot in me as I'll try not to poison your bento tomorrow."

Smiling widely, Otoya places a hand on top of her head. "Good girl." He says. "Gotta go back to practicing my dribbles now, princess." He adds, standing up from his seat and jogging back to where Bachira stood on the field.

Humming softly, Misa continues to watch the rest of them train until she felt something lean on top of her shoulder.

"Hi" Nagi greets, lifting his head up to look at her when he sensed she is looking at him.

"Hello to you too. Aren't you going to train with me them as well?"

"Training's boring. They're all being a hassle." Nagi hums, getting comfortable on her shoulder. "I don't even want to."

Watching him settle on her shoulder again, Misa couldn't help but wonder if his sides don't hurt because staying for a long period of time in that position could ache his body. She didn't want to become a reason why Nagi's physical condition could worsen.

"I'm worried" She begins to say, watching as Nagi slowly open his eyes again and look up at her. "You'll strain your muscles if you stay like that." She adds, leaning back before patting her lap.

"Lay down here." She says.

Taking up on her offer, Nagi doesn't hesitate to move a little closer, slowly laying his body down; his back meeting the metal seat of the bleachers and his head meeting the softness of her lap.

With his eyes closed, Misa couldn't help but smile a little, taking his towel as she gently damps his sweat away on the skin of his face as he slowly doze off to sleep.

Although Anri could see how Nagi sleeps on top of Misa's lap, she didn't mind it one bit. Not even Ego did too.

But for Reo? He minded it a lot.

The purple haired boy's eyes trained on Nagi's and Misa's figures on the lower seat of the bleachers. It's useless to huff and mope around on his spot, gritting his teeth as his hands grip it's hold around the ball. If he gripped on the poor object in his hands for too long, the soccer ball would sadly deflate on him.

Just do your best. He tells himself, taking everything in him to not look back at the them.

Don't let yourself get weak. He says to himself again.

"Gamble on everything you've got. No god will ever hear your calling. Bank yourself and your skills." He mumbles under his breath.

"There's still a chance at victory. Distractions are necessary, but letting yourself get swayed by it will cost you a single mistake and everything will fall apart."

Lifting her on his back that weekend. The moments they've spent together with smiles painted on their lips. The way he went home that night without the smile breaking.

Reo was so fond of that memory. As he laid down on his bed that night, staring at the big full moon through the window of his room, he promised to himself that he would be getting more of those memories.

Losing isn't an option.

If it's Misa, he'll do anything. What is the point of acquiring the world if Misa isn't part of it?

"Be ahead of everyone else." He whispers to himself, setting a ball down before his feet at the center circle, kicking the ball with an instep position.

Do everything for her.

Provide everything for her.

Win everything for her.

Have Misa focus on me.

Be Misa's number one.

Be Misa's number one? Of course, he's doomed to be her number one ever since he laid his eyes on her. Not destined, but doomed. A girl who wasn't easily swept away by his status and money. She is like the cherry on top of a delicious cake that everyone is pining for. Like the ripest fruit everyone wants to eat on a hot summer's day.

Through Misa, he didn't needed to pretend to be what is expected of him. Rather, he could be who he really is. And he likes it just like that. He likes it like that just fine.

As long he is next to her, that's all he needs. If he could be with her forever, there is nothing more in this world that he'll ask for.

All the while Reo keeps mumbling under his breath to be Misa's number one, Raichi points at him to Kunigami.

"What's he whispering about?"

"No clue."

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