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Pressing two of her fingers against her lips, she extends her hand out to place her fingers on his cheek. A gesture of an indirect kiss from her to him.

"That's all you get for now." She tells him before turning around on her heels, walking back to her classroom as she's left not only Otoya but the rest of the student body stunned with her actions.

"Those beef rolls look amazing. Can I have some?"


It's my first time receiving a letter from you, princess. And honestly, you made the strings of my heart tug at your curiosity towards me.

How do I know? Well, we go to the same school, right? Aha! Apart from that, I always see you having fun in your own little world and then I got curious, what would it be like to be inside her world?

Have we met before? Hm...that's a secret!

What was my first impression of you? My princess is really bright, charming and all smiles! Your smile literally brightens the whole room and improves the atmosphere. I'm being honest with you right now!

Do we share a class together? Unfortunately, we do not.

Have we crossed paths in the hallway? Maybe we did, maybe we did not.

I'll let you know more about the real "me", princess. If you want to know more, I'll wait for your response to the cafe date!

Misa stared at the lengthy paper as soon as she sat back on her seat inside her classroom. It had at least been a day or two since she's received this letter from prince charming love letter boy and she hasn't been able to respond to him yet.

His answers are little less on the helpful side, literally giving her no clue as to who he is until she gives him the go signal to go on a date with him to Mine cafe. Maybe, it wouldn't be so bad to go with him after all?

Taking out a pen and paper, Misa stared at the blank paper before scribbling down her response to him.

Hello, prince charming!

If I say yes to the cafe date, would Friday after school be okay?

Folding the paper into two, her heart leaped inside her chest. Her very first date.

Misa had always envisioned her first date would be with Kohei - going to the park to play in the playground after school, having dinner together then going home. But as expected, the things we want to happen in life don't always go according to plan.

And if it doesn't, everything else doesn't fall into places how we want them to be.

Setting her reply back to him aside, she began to unfold mysterious love letter boys notes for her.

Seeing you respond back to me warms my heart. I feel more connected to you now.

In a wandering dream, I will continue to follow you.

I don't want to just become a memory to you, princess.

His one line messages were short but they knew how make it's way to her heart. How can someone like mysterious love letter boy know the way to make her melt with such sweet words?

Taking another pen and paper out, Misa writes her response to his written yearning for her.

I'm lost. How can I find my way back to you?

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