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an: this ffic does not follow the anime nor manga. this ffic is also a high school au! the blue lock boys along with himari, tao and misa are of the same age and grade level.

also, to readers who've read the egoist bible, i know that the teieri siblings consists of an older sister, anri and a younger brother, but since this is a fanfic of my own, it doesn't exist here.

"So...why did you call me out here?" A boy with black hair, fair skin, ocean blue eyes and a set of pearly white teeth stood in front of her with a look of confusion, towering her small stature with his six foot two height.

"Kohei..." The girl begins to say, heart racing and hands trembling as she stood before the boy she likes. "I like you, please be mine!" She confesses, bowing her head to him with her hands and arms extended out, holding onto a love letter for him to take.

Now comes the real question - would he accept her love? Or would she get flat out rejected right here and right now? Honestly, she didn't know. But if it was the latter, then she'll-

"Sorry." He replies, one hand scratching the back of his head and the other casually placed on top of his heip. "I'm actually in love with someone else."

All the while she still has her head bowed before him, he took the love letter in her hands into his and then began to rip it apart, the words on the paper that contains declarations of love and admiration, scattered and gone with the wind.

And as she hears the sounds of his feet turning around and walking out the door of the school rooftop, closing behind him is the only time did she lift her upper body and head up, tears escaping her eyes and then cascading into her face.

"Oi, stop crying. He isn't worthy of your tears."

"Ah! Don't cry over him, Misa!"

Misa Teieri, youngest of the two Teieri sisters - long, dark blue wavy hair with purple eyes burst out into tears as she gets rejected by the boy she harbors feelings for...for the first time.

"Geez. This is why I told you to just confess to him anonymously." Himari says, emerging out of her hiding spot to console her crying best friend by patting her back.

"But what is the point if she confesses to him anonymously?" Tao responded, another girl who emerges out of her own hiding spot, walking closer to her two best friends. "Confessing in person is always the best than doing so anonymously nor by text!"

"I just said that so we wouldn't have to deal with her crying mess." Himari replies, turning her head to look at her. "You know how Misa gets when she cries! It's as if she's crying to create a whole new river!"

Softly sniffing, Misa lifts her head up to wipe her tears with the sleeve of her uniform.

"Hey" She begins to say, softly sniffing. "Do you think Kohei is being humble with me? That the person he's actually referring to is me?"

"No way." Himari says, sighing afterwards. "Come on, don't stoop down to his level! There's plenty of guys in our school!" 

"Yeah!" Tao chimes in, "I heard that there's a new coach coming to our school tomorrow! Who knows, maybe he's more hotter than Kohei!"

"That reminds me...isn't your older sister coming to our school tomorrow?" Himari asks.

Misa nods her head slowly, her eyes blood red from the crying. "Yeah. Anri's coming here as an assistant coach." She replies, heaving a deep breath. "Seriously, she's already working at the Football Association and then she'd accept this job offer." She begins to say.

"Mom is nagging her about getting a boyfriend already but she's too busy on her job. Dad is joking that Anri is secretly married to soccer!" Misa adds, chuckling softly to herself afterwards.

"At least you're laughing now" Himari says, giving her a small smile. "That's good."

"Say, let's get ramen after school!" Tao proposes, smiling with her eyes closed. "Misa's on me!"

"Eh? Why can't you treat me too?"

"Huh? You've never treated me before too!"

"Come on! Treat me too!"

Smiling softly to herself, Misa wipes a single tear from her eyes with her index finger, feeling much better than before.

While on her way home, sitting on the purple colored chair of the train with one leg on top of the other, Misa kept herself occupied by scrolling on her phone - checking her social medias to see the latest updates on the idols and groups she follows on various platforms, double tapping their posts through the screen of her phone.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you, but I met up with him last night!"


"The guy I met on the app!"

Continuing to scroll down on her phone, Misa couldn't help but send reels and videos to Tao and Himari, knowing for sure that they too would laugh along with her as they see the videos she sends them.

"So what about that guy? The app isn't a scam after all, huh?"

"No it isn't! Last night, I really felt like I met my soulmate!"

"Uh huh. I get you. So what did you two do together?"

"We had dinner on this new cafe that opened near my workplace and then a stroll in the park."

"I thought you offered yourself to him as dinner." 

"Oh no, what should I do? I'm so in love with him!"

"Thank that darn app first. It lead you to meeting the love of your life."

As her ears picked up on their conversation, Misa couldn't help but have her ears pique, turning her head around to look at the direction where the two girls are talking about what seemed to be a dating app and this one girl meeting her love life.

But as soon as Misa turn her head to look at them, they were no longer on board the train along with her, most probably they have boarded down on the station the train is currently stopped at.

Are dating apps to be trusted these days? Misa couldn't help but think to herself. 

In today's generation and given a one hundred percent percentage, how big is the percentage of people being lucky at finding love in dating apps and how big is the percentage of people being unlucky at it?

Sure there are a fair share of couples finding their happily ever afters through dating apps, but there were still dangers to it - and Misa's no stranger about it. Having heard all about it from some of her school mates to people on the local and international news.

Shaking her head off from the topic, she heaves a deep breath as the doors of the train slowly begin to close and then transiting towards the next station she's bound to get out. 

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