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Stepping out of their house, Misa couldn't help but tap her index fingers against the strap of her brown leather bag, finding her current situation already weird.

"Are you not a chatty person in the morning?" Her older sister, Anri, asks her, walking on her right side near the road. "You're so quiet, Misa! At least tell your older sister a little something about your life!"

Misa makes a face, letting out a soft sigh afterwards. "What am I suppose to tell you, older sister? Nothing is particularly exciting in my life right now." She replies.

Anri hums, making a thinking face. "Are you sure about that, Misa?" She asks her younger sister. "You sure you won't tell me about the boys in your school? Oh, maybe you've kissed and held hands with a boy already! Don't be shy! Come on, just tell me!"

"I don't have any experience with kissing and holding hands with a boy in school!" Misa replies with a surprised and lone tone, looking away as Anri clings an arm around her arm.

"Should I tell you how I got rejected by my crush yesterday?" Misa begins to say, crossing the road with Anri after looking both left and right. "It's really embarrassing and I don't think I can face Kohei anymore-"

"Oh" Anri piques. "So you liked that basketball captain, Taku Kohei."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Misa turns her head to look at her Anri. "How did you know his full name? It's your first day today and I didn't even mention his name to you until just now, you seriously cannot know everyone's names."

"Oh?" Anri quizzes before smiling while having her eyes closed. "But I do know every students' name in the school already! I memorized the students who plays soccer first!"

Assistant coach position. Students. Soccer.

Connecting the three words together along with her older sister's position at the Football Association, it wasn't long until Misa had pieced all of it together.

"Why did you accept the assistant coach position honestly, older sister?" Misa asks, turning her head again to look at Anri. "Don't tell you're up to something now."

Upon hearing her younger sister's words, Anri couldn't help but heave out a breath while looking at the sky. "You finally caught up, huh?"

Pursing her lips, Misa nods her head. "It wasn't that hard to figure it out."

"Aren't you mad that Japan finished sixteenth at the FIFA World Cup this year?" Anri asks.

"Not really. I'm not sporty nor a follower of sports." Misa replies, causing Anri to irk at her words.

"So hopeless." Anri replies, letting out an exasperated sigh. "But believe me when I say the school is the perfect setting for this training regimen. As long as the plan goes smoothly, you'll be able to hear the name of the school coming out of everyone's lips all the time soon."

One step.

Two step.

Three step.

Both Teieri sisters slowly approach the facade of the school, passing the front gates together.

"I see. Good luck."

"How supportive."

"I see." Misa replies, leaning her back against her seat. "So our school used to enter nationals with soccer but stopped when this one certain student left. Is that it?"

"Correct!" Tao affirms, giving the dark blue haired girl a thumbs up. "And since that student left our school, our very own team dissolved after his departure. And then we can only get into regionals with basketball."

"Maybe that's how Kohei fell for someone else." Himari chimes in. "He probably saw a type of his from a different school."

As soon as the last sentence rolls off Himari's tongue, she receives a jab on her rib from Tao. Turning her head to look at the short haired girl before turning to look at Misa.

"It's fine." Misa responded. "Though yesterday is still a bitter memory on my mind, I believe that my world will revolve around someone new."

"That's the spirit!"

"Flirt and flirt until you fall again!"

"Oh look" Misa says, pointing at a person from afar. "It's my older sister, Anri." She says. Their heards turning over to where she is pointing at.

"Who is that lanky guy with glasses with her?" Himari asks, blinking her eyes.

"I don't know who he is, but I guess being a Teieiri means having such assets." Tao responded, looking back between Anri's and Misa's front and back blessings.

Flustering, Misa covers her chest with her arms. "I'm shy but thanks."

"It seems to me that they are probably making changes with the soccer team of our school." Tao replies, watching Misa's older sister Anri and the lanky, tall male with her.

"Well, as long as my older sister gets to do what she wants, I'll leave her be." Misa says, shrugging her shoulders playfully.

"Besides, she looks like she's having fun. That's what matters, right?" Misa adds, a small smile painted on her lips. Lifting her head up to look at the clock hoisted on the wall, she mentally curses to herself.

"You two can go ahead first." She begins to say, getting up from her seat. "I need to get my notebook in my locker. I'll meet you two in our classroom." She adds.

"Don't be late!" Himari calls out to her.

Jogging up the stairs and into the locker hallway, Misa stops in front of hers, fishing out her keys from her wallet before twisting and turning it open. Ahead of getting her notebook for the next class, a paper came falling out.

"Hm?" Misa hums, looking down on her feet as the paper gracefully falls on top of her school shoes. Folding her knees a little to pick it up in her hands, standing back up straight.

In my next life, I want to find you again.

To say that Misa couldn't focus in her class would be an understatement. With the love letter left for her inside her locker, she is left wondering: who could it be?

Could it be Tao or Himari be playing a prank on her? Or maybe the two of them are in cahoots and are trying to mess around with her?

Darting her eyes back down on the paper, she could feel her heart racing and face heating up. Not wanting to give into the satisfaction of Tao and Himari, Misa shook her head, removing away all those thoughts off her head.

"Please form into group of three's for your group project. Deadline of submission is next week, Monday!"

"I know you two know about my situation yesterday" Misa begins to say, placing down the piece of paper on top of Tao's table as the three of them gather in their classroom. "But this is seriously too much."

"Huh?" Himari quizzes, both her and Tao peering down on the love letter that Misa received earlier.

"That seriously hurts, Misa." Tao responded, looking up at her. "We're very much aware of how Kohei broke your heart but we won't stoop low to play this kind of prank on you."

"Yeah." Himari agrees. "Why would we play a prank on you? If we wanted to cheer you up, it wouldn't be like this!"

Misa blinks. "For real?"

"For real"

"For real"

Misa blinks repeatedly, shoulders slumping down on her side. "Then...who could have given me this letter?"

Both Himari and Tao peer down into the little note again, analyzing the handwriting and re reading the one liner message for their best friend.

"I don't know." Tao says, adjusting her glasses. "I don't know anyone with this kind of handwriting."

"Well, look on the bright side." Himari replies. "Misa has an admirer!"

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