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"What does it mean when...a boy asks you what your favorite food is?" Misa asks, taking a bite on her cup filled with strawberry cheesecake ice cream.

As soon as they heard her question, Tao chokes on her own saliva while Himari faces her.

"Did Otoya ask you that?" She asks, in which Misa obediently nodded her head at her with wide, curious eyes.

"Don't think too much of it." Himari replies, taking a bite of her ice cream. "But to answer your question, it means that Otoya is telling you that he likes you."

"Huh?!" Misa squeals, almost dropping her ice cream and small spoon on the ground but thanked god that she held a firm grip around the two.

"How is asking me what my favorite food is equivalent to him telling me he likes me?" Misa asks, blinking her eyes at Tao and Himari.

"Misa, you're part of our class' top ten honor students...so how come you don't know that?"

"Have you gone stupid?"

"I'm serious!" Misa irrates. "I just don't see a logic to it. Or maybe...it's a thing among our age, right?"

"Right!" Tao replies. "But you don't understand the context of the message."

"Context?" Misa asks, tilting her head to the side.

"Say, if I buy catfish, even before I could tell you the word ' market ', then this catfish is?" Himari asks, looking at Misa.

The girl blinks, trying her best on understanding the context of Otoya's question to her earlier.

"A fish." She replies.

"Correct." Himari responded. "Before asking you your favorite food, you were talking about how it means that you like this person."

"Therefore, it's not a question." Tao chimes in, halfway done with her ice cream. "Otoya confessed to you earlier."

"Eh?!" Misa makes a sound, feet stuck on the ground and hands trembling.

"But like I said, don't think too much of it." Himari reminds her. "Otoya's flirting with a lot of girls in our school. Most likely he's prying on you." She says. "Don't fall for him. I've heard from girls from other classes that he'll make you feel special before tossing you away."

Misa lowers her head, sighing deeply before scooping a spoonful of ice cream, taking a bite of it.

"I understand." She replies, following the two of them from behind.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

When the weekend arrived, Misa sets out to Shibuya to look for a gift for herself on her upcoming birthday. Though her birthday is two weeks from now, she decided to go outside as both of her parents are out and into the province; she knew that her parents kept talking about this great camping spot in Minami-Izu in Shizuoka prefecture.

With great weather conditions today and tomorrow, her parents seized the opportunity for an overnight camping deep in the mountains of Minami-Izu. 

Though despite being a weekend, her older sister Anri needed to hand in a report, run a meeting with various key people at the Football Association and make preparations for the press conference they are going to hold.

And so here she is, clad in a white top, creamy beige ankle length skirt and peach colored heels, making her way to Shibuya Modi.

Both of her hands holding onto her phone, head slightly tilted down to look at the screen, the same message is still written on the Lip2Lip app, nothing new for her to know about. As she is about to go back to the community forum website where she found the person who posted about this app, Misa topples forward - falling down almost face first and knees scraping against the asphalt road.

"That hurts..." She winces, frowning as she tries to get back up on her feet. Not caring the looks she's receiving from passerby's as she dust away the dirt in her hands, knees and clothes off. Bending down to look at her phone to see and check if it's still functioning as it should.

It still does.

"Excuse me" She heard a male's voice speak to her, turning around to look at him.

In Misa's eyes, she knows she's seen him before but just couldn't put a name to his face. All she could remember is that he's always surrounded by a good number of people wherever he goes in their school and that his hair color is as unique as hers.

"Are you okay?" He asks her, "I saw you fall down on the ground just now and I wanted to ask if you're feeling okay."

"Ah, I'm fine!" Misa responded, waving her hands in front of him dismissively. "My hands and knees are fine! No scratches or wounds in sight! But-" she wasn't able to finish what she is saying as she didn't feel her shoe on her right feet.

The male in front of her caught on, turning his head back as he spots what she is looking for.

"Your shoe is here." He says, going back to retrieve it. "The heel got stuck in this manhole." He says, pulling it out and then showing the heel part of her shoe.

"And it seems like it broke as well." He says, almost sounding apologetic to her

"It's fine!" Misa replies, removing her heel on her left foot, now feeling the road with bare feet. "My house is not far and I can walk barefoot-"

"Nonsense." He says. "Please allow me to buy you a good pair of heels."

She blinks, dumbfounded by his statement. "There's really no need to-"

"Just think of it this way." He says, grinning at her. "Were each other's company for today. You pick any type of shoe you like and I'll get it for you. Sounds good?"

Misa makes a face, crossing her arms over her chest. "Your intentions are good but I don't want to burden someone by having them spend money for me. I can-"

"Please." He says, looking at her as if he's begging her to just give in and say yes.

Just not to prolong their conversation, she nods her head in agreement.

"Great!" He beams, taking his phone out of his coat. "My driver is around here somewhere. I'll have them pick us up." He says, pressing his phone against his ear.

"Driver?" Misa repeats, blinking twice. "Did you just say-"

"Oh look, there it is." He says, pointing at the car behind her.

Turning around, she lets out a surprised sound as a limousine comes into view at the corner of the street.

"I know a lot of good stores in Shibuya. So let's go!" He beams to her, taking five steps ahead before showing to her his back, getting down on one knee with his hands propped up.

Misa hesitates, biting her lower lip. "Is this okay?" She asks, turning her head to look at him. "I mean, I'm not bothering you today, right? You might have other plans prepared and I'm getting in your way." She says.

The boy slowly nods his head, understanding where she is coming from. "You're right." He replies. "I did make plans with someone for today but the person isn't picking their phone up. So it's safe to say that I just got stood up." He says, tilting his head to smile at her.

"Besides, I could use a different company." He tells her. "You don't want to keep me waiting here right, princess?"

Up until now, Misa still couldn't put a finger on what his name is. Sure she's seen his purple hair and tall height in school, but that is just about it. Anything apart from that is zero. The cherry on top of it? The same pet name is used on her again, further amplifying that he could possibly be the person who is sending her those love letters in her shoe locker.

Before anything else, she takes a few steps forward, leaning down to press her front torso on his broad back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders from behind. His hands securely holds the back of her knees, getting up on his feet and makes his way to the limousine awaiting them.

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