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When he told her that he knows a good shopping place he'll take her to, she was expecting places like Shibu Chika Shopping Road, Shibuya Underground Shopping Mall or any shop in general that fits within her budget. But what she didn't expect is to enter a luxurious ten floors mall loaded with trendy and high end clothing brands, extravagant accessories and branded make up.

An iconic high-rise building in Tokyo, every person walking inside the mall looked like they are getting ready for Tokyo Fashion Week, even the foreigners in the mall looked like they too are invited for the show.

Suddenly, Misa felt under dressed.

"Are you okay with these for now?" He asks her, offering her to wear his shoes as he slips his feet on slip ons. The slippers he's wearing didn't even looked like department store bought in Misa's eyes. In fact, the slippers had the logo of a famous Western brand.

"I'm alright!" She replies, giving him a tight lipped smile. "Although...I don't know my way around here. It's my first time coming to such a place like this."

"Seriously?" He gaps at her, eyes slightly widened in surprise. "If that's the case, I'll lead you to one of stores I regularly go to." He adds, taking his phone as his thumb quickly taps on multiple keys.

Walking towards their destination, her eyes wander all over the place. Eyes sneakily eyeing the clothes and accessories out for display to entice the customer to buy their products. But for her, all of them looked like she'd have to get half of the money from her school tuition fee just to own one.

"Here we are" He says, ushering her inside the store.

Misa's eyes widens in surprise, six staffs (three on each side) bow their head curtly before them.

"A-Are we in the right place?" She asks, leaning close to him to whisper.

"Yes we are!" He replies, leading the way for her as the two of them enter inside, the driver following behind them suit.

"Over here are the women's shoes section." He says, using his hands to show all of the flats, heels, low and high cut sneakers to her. "There are a lot on sale since they released a new collection today, it's okay if you're taking up a lot of time too. I'll help you pick if you can't decide."

Heaving a deep breath, Misa clasps her hands together as she takes a look around, looking at every shoe they can offer to her. Sure, he's being kind and generous to her by offering to buy a new pair of heels, but the prices were overwhelming her. Never in her life would she expect a day would come that she'd try on a pair of low cut sneakers that is worth a triple month's rent.

"How do they feel?" He asks her, watching her as she examines the shoes on her feet in front of the floor length mirror.

"They feel nice, actually." She replies, turning around to feel it. "But it kind of hurts the back of my feet."

"Shall I get you new pair then?" He offers, in which Misa nods her head in response.

Just who is this guy and why did he offer to buy her shoes when he doesn't even know her? Does he randomly do this to people he sees?

Sighing to herself, she sits back down on the leather couch, removing the shoes off her feet.

"I thought these would look good on you." He says as soon as he arrives back, removing the top lid of the box. "I saw these heels and immediately thought that they'd look good with your outfit right now."

Getting down on one knee and kneeling in front of her, Misa watches as he takes one heel from the box, his other hand taking a hold of the heel of her foot, slipping the shoe on like how the prince charming slips on the glass slipper on Cinderella.

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