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Your prince charming is back!

I want to thank you for being my sunshine. Your smile is a beauty I long to always see after a downpour. I'm so full of love for you that a hundred hearts is not enough to carry out all of the love I harbor for you. You mean so much to me, my princess.

To love is nothing. To be loved by you is something. But to love you and be loved by you is everything.

"I just have a question" Himari says, turning to face Misa all the while the dark blue haired girl switches her shoes.

"Did it ever occurred to you if the person giving you these letters is the same person or two different people?" She asks Misa.

Now that was a good morning ice breaker. In Misa's defense, she believed that the person giving her these letters is just one person. But now that she has two and can finally compare their handwriting, they aren't the same.

"What if..." Tao begins to say, walking over to them. "What if it's just one person and they used their less dominant hand to write for the other paper?"

"That could be possible too." Himari responded, taking  quick glance at Tao before averting her attention to Misa's new love letters.

"Can I borrow it?" She asks.

Misa hums, nodding her head while handing the letters to Himari, putting her outside shoes inside her locker then locking it.

"I don't know though" She says, comparing and analyzing the two different penmanship on the paper. "Something just tells me that the one behind these letters...are two different people."

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Mind telling me how you got a cut on your finger, Ms Teieri?" The school nurse inquires.

Turning her head away while pouting, Misa felt like a child being caught red handed and then getting into an accident by a parent in an attempt to steal a cookie from the cookie jar.

"We were working on a chemistry experiment" She begins to say, the memories flooding inside her head. "And there were leftover strawberries. Me, just like everyone else, began to eat on those strawberries. We were cutting the top leaf part with a knife and then that's how I got that cut." She adds, looking at her thumb encased with a pink colored band aid.

"Consider yourself lucky, Ms Teieri." The school nurse tells her, placing her hand back to her lap. "If the cut had gone deep, it'll take you more than a day for the wound to close." She says, standing up from her seat.

"But as always, be mindful of your actions." She concludes.

"I'll be going out first. I need to be at the kindergarten room to teach them the importance of brushing their teeth." She says, giving Misa a tight lipped smile before exiting the school clinic.

The school clinic is always a quiet yet cold place. Three beds on either side with white colored drapes, covering the patient from any visitor entering in.

Getting back on her feet and about to leave, Misa notices a mop of black in one of the beds.

Curiosity getting to her, she took steps forward to see what it is. But upon closer inspection, it wasn't a 'what' but a 'who'.

It was the boy who Himari and Tao had explained to her the other day - Rin Itoshi.

Pushing her down on the bed and hovering on top of her, a hand clamped over her lips as he buries his face on the crook of her neck.

"Did you see where Rin go?! Where did he go?!"

"Hey! Has anyone seen him?"

"Wait! Isn't that Rin over there?"

"Let's go!"

Now Misa understood why he was hiding. He was hiding from a group of girls who kept following his around campus, hiding here to drive them away and off his tail. But as their voices draw further and further, the more she became conscious of their position.

Rin still hovering on top of her, a hand over her mouth, his nose brushing on the skin of her neck as if he's smelling her; their position right now made Misa fluster and her heart beat wild inside her chest.

She hoped he couldn't hear her heart beat, if he could, her face color would turn tomato red in color.

Slowly, Misa watches Rin lift his head up and lock his eyes into hers. His face slowly leaning closer to her while his hand uncovers her mouth.

Oh, god. Misa thoughts. I'm going to have my first kiss! My first kiss! She thought to herself, closing her eyes to mentally prepare herself for it.

But it never came, catching her still by surprise. Upon opening her eyes, instead of feeling his lips on hers, she felt his forehead press onto her.

The forehead to forehead felt...endearing. The small yet intimate contact triggering chemical reactions into Misa's very being. As if Rin is telling her that he wanted a physical and intimate connection with her.

Before she could even ask if it was Rin who was leaving the love letters to her locker, he already got back onto his feet and left the clinic without another word.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

Later that afternoon, as classes have finally dismissed, Isagi Yoichi watches Teieri Misa smile and talk with her two friends besides her in the school field. Whatever they are talking about must have been an amusing one because he gets the luxury to see her smile widely, eyes turning into upside crescent shaped moon.

In the eyes of others, Misa is just another regular schoolmate of theirs. But for Isagi? Misa is more than a schoolmate. To him, Misa is someone whom he wants to get to know, grow closer together with and then be able to tell her how he feels for her.

Her smile is like a sudden beam of sunlight casting over the dark.

He always liked seeing her smile. It was as if the corners of her lips reaches towards him, touching his soul.

All the while Isagi watches Misa and her friends sit down on the first step of the bleachers, Bachira watches Isagi's eyes following her figure, immediately a question popped into his mind.

"How do you like them, Isagi?" He asks, shooting a soccer ball up in the air and then catching it back with his hands. "Do you like them big or small?"

Isagi hums, closing the lid of his water bottle. "I like them big actually. The feeling when you touch a big size is amazing and the curves of it feel incredible. With a big size, I can overdo it, because they're much larger than my hand!" He tells him.

"So...you don't like small ones?" Bachira asks, a teasing glint in his eyes and grin.

As Isagi faces Bachira, he blinks twice. "Were talking about soccer ball sizes right?"

Bachira shrugs, sticking his tongue out playfully. "Who says I was talking about soccer balls?"

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