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As the last bell rings throughout the school, all the students excitedly pack away their stuff and get themselves ready to go home.

"I still don't know who slipped this into my locker." Misa spoke to Himari and Tao, the three girls standing side by side in the hallway.

"Don't rush it." Tao replies, adjusting her glasses then her backpack. "This secret admirer of yours may have a lot more on their sleeve!"

"True." Himari agrees. "Maybe he'll leave a note next time for you and in that note they'll ask you to meet up with them to confess to you properly!"

"Right!" Tao confirms, beaming to both Misa and Himari. "Besides, this person might just be more better than Kohei! Sure we don't know they look like - a boy or a girl, someone younger or older than you, but they wouldn't be that bad for sure!"

A sigh escapes Misa's lips, feeling herself getting hopeful upon hearing the re assuring words she receives from her two best friends.

"I'll have you two know that I'll be holding onto your words!" She responded to them, opening her shoe cubby locker. Much to her surprise, another small of piece of paper came flying out, landing exactly on top of her feet again.

Bending forward to pick it up, her eyes widens upon what was written in the note.

If I did anything right in my life, it was when I gave my heart to you.

"What d'you got there, Misa?" Tao asks, peering over the dark blue haired girl's shoulder. She too, suddenly had her eyes widen in surprise upon seeing another love letter.

"There's another one!" She announces at Himari. The blonde haired girl immediately peers over Misa's shoulder to look at the note in her hands.

"Your admirer's quick." She responded, blinking her eyes. "How does he know which cubby hole are your shoes?"

"So it's confirmed!" Tao rejoices, cupping her cheeks in her hands. "Misa really has an admirer!" She beams, sighing softly before shouting out loud.

"If any of you have a crush on my friend, don't be a coward and confess!"

"Idiot!" Himari replies, giving the brown haired girl a chop in the head. "Stop embarrassing me!"

"Let's go before any teacher scolds us!" Misa says, linking arms with Tao as they exit the school together.

Later on that night, with various snacks and drinks surrounding her study table, Misa diligently answers a few math equations on her notebook, muttering the step by step on how to solve the problem; right hand holding onto a pencil while her left hand reached out to get a potato chip, bringing it closer to her mouth.

"How can you still eat when you just had dinner?" Anri asks, peaking her head into the door of Misa's room, staring at the younger girl's back figure. "Ah, right. I forgot. You're the one who's gifted with fast metabolism." She adds, entering her younger sister's room before plopping down on top of her bed.

"It's because I get hungry while solving math problems too." Misa replies, glancing at Anri as she makes herself comfortable on her bed. "Don't you have any paperwork to do? Why are you here?"

"Geez. Can't I bond with my younger sister?" Anri whines, scowling to herself before turning her head to look at Misa, outstretching her foot to poke her side; Misa yelping and tossing her pencil away from shock.

"What was that for?!"

"Hey, can I have a bite on your chocolate?"

"No! The chocolate is spicy, very spicy!"

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