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an: at the end of the 20k reads special chapter, omiai : the sequel is already in the works. and yes, the sequel will take place in haikyu.

Amidst the numerous table for two's inside the Academy's coffee shop, there is two long tables in the right corner. Wrapped in white cloth with multiple pastries and desserts such as roll cakes, madelines, macarons, brownies and tarts neatly stack the two long tables. Occupying a table on the left corner sat Misa and Niko, holding onto menu pamphlets in their hands.

"Is there anything you would like to drink?" Niko asks, his eyes still scanning the pamphlet. "It's my treat."

"An iced coffee will do for me." She replies, placing the pamphlet back down onto the table.

Hearing her choice of drink, Niko raises his hand and a waiter immediately comes to his beck.

"One iced coffee and one iced americano." He mentions to the waiter, taking a hold of the other pamphlet before handing it to the waiter.

"Would you like to accompany your drinks with anything off the sweets table?" The waiter asks, ushering a hand towards the long tables. "They're free of charge."

Niko tilts his head to look at Misa, wondering if she would want one. However, Misa shook her head no in response. Pairing it with a small smile painted on her lips.

"That would be all." Niko says. As the waiter understood, he bowed his head towards them. Turning around on his heel and then walking away, leaving the two to carry on with their date. 

Not a lot of people are inside the coffee shop, the activity entirely depends on the bloomed couple. Apart from the coffee shop, the theater room is open for a full day. A variety of movies ranging from comedy to romance to thriller will be playing. Unlike the vending machine, non bloomed couples can enjoy what the coffee shop and theater room offers - just as long as they don't have any other on going class in their schedule!

The silence between is awkward, neither of them spoke a word afterwards. They're eyes darting everywhere except each others. Misa's index finger trailed the embroidered patch of the cloth while Niko still has his arms resting on top of the table, clearing his throat afterwards. In order to fill in their void, Misa racked her brain to think up of good conversation starters.

"Do you have a favorite snack?" Misa asks.

"Shrimp chips*" Niko replies. "What's yours?"

"I like shrimp chips too! I used to have them a lot when I was younger. And it's not really a snack, but I like macarons." She beams to him. "I particularly don't have any favorite flavor as I enjoy all of it." She adds.

"Macarons are good." Niko hums in agreement. "What's your disliked food?"

"Liver." Misa replies rather quickly. "What about you?"

"Grapefruit." Niko answers. "Do you watch anime?"

"I do." Misa spoke with a nod of her head. "I've seen a lot of animes in the past. Animes like School Babysitters, Forest of Piano and Banana Fish."

At the mention of Banana Fish, Niko perks up. "Who's your favorite character?"

Misa's cheeks turns bright pink in color. "...Ash Lynx." She replies. "My liking towards his character isn't deep. I just happen to like him because I want to meet guys like him." Hopefully, Niko understood what she had meant. Because she implored that the kind of guy she likes is someone who not only looks like a prince charming but the one who loves that can sweep her off her feet. Someone whom is childlike and dependable.

"I see." Niko hums. Just as he spoke those words, the same waiter arrives back with a round tray in hand, placing down their drinks respectively in front of them.

"Do let me know if you need anything else. I'll be happy to assist you two." Is the waiter's last words before turning back around and leaving the two of them alone.

Outstretching her hands to slide her drink closer to her, Misa turns the direction of her straw towards her, enclosing her lips around the paper straw to take a sip. "Do you like to play games?" She asks him after taking her first sip. The cold drink gliding down past her throat, leaving a cool mark.

"Mostly Yu Gi Oh's cards." He responded after taking a sip on his drink. "Did you played those games before?"

A small frown displays on Misa's lips as she thinks about it. "I think I may have?" She replies in a questioning tone. "I don't really recall but I used to play card games with a neighbor of mine. I don't think it's Yu Gi Oh even." She adds.

"How did you play those games before?"

Misa raises her hand up to her chest level, showing her palms to Niko. "We place one card in one hand and then we clap our hands with the card in palm. Basically if the card is facing upwards, that person wins. But if the card is facing downwards, they lose. If both cards are facing upwards, we do clap hands again until a winner is called."

As Niko listens, he too takes a sip on his drink in between. "Interesting." He responded. "The next time we meet again like this, I'd like to play Yu Gi Oh cards with you, Misa." The male expresses, and for a moment, the hair over his left eye part ways, allowing Misa to see his eyes.

Seeing his eye for a moment, Misa stares at it wide eyed before beaming. "You have such pretty eyes, Niko!" She expresses towards him, her hands clasped together. "Is there a reason why you hide them?" She asks the latter.

For a moment, Niko looks away bashfully. Hand raising up to rub the back of his neck. "I'm not comfortable with everyone looking. Especially my forehead." He reasons.

Just as Niko could say anything else, he averts his eyes past Misa's shoulder. Behind the dark blue haired girl are Rin, Reo, Sae, Chigiri, Isagi, Nagi and Otoya, occupying a long table to themselves, their gazes all directed towards him. If looks could really kill, Niko would have dropped to the floor.

"Is there a problem?" Misa asks.

"Nothing" Niko replies, rather immediately. "After the coffee shop, should we head to the movie theater? Maybe we could spot a movie we both like and watch it together."

Agreeing with his decision, Misa hums with a nod of her head. "Okay!" Just before Misa could take another sip on her drink, a smile draws on her lips. Looking at Niko. "I want to say thank you to you by the way."

"Hm?" Niko hums, taking a sip on his drink. "For what?"

"It's because of you, I finally know who all of my admirers are." Is what Misa really wants to say. However, she held back on her true words.

"I just wasn't feeling like studying today."

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