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When the following morning arrives, all the while she is busy brushing her teeth, Misa continues to delete the Lip2Lip app from her phone - searching for the app on the app store, in which she found herself getting surprised because no such app as Lip2Lip being available, repetitively deleting it from her home screen also only to no avail.

To say that all of her efforts in removing the app has been fruitless is correct.

"Those oldies in the Football Association are getting on my nerves." She heard her older sister, Anri say as the two sisters walk side by side going to school.

"They are belittling mine and Ego's efforts in rebuilding Japan to lead into stardom! To showcase to the world that Japan can give birth to the best and egotistical striker in the world!"

Immediately, Misa clamps a hand over Anri's mouth, the younger girl's eyes turning both left and right as the people around them turn their heads to look at Anri in a weird way.

"Quiet down, will you?" She tells her, slowly removing her hand from her mouth. "It's so early in the morning and you're shouting on the top of your lungs. People are just getting their day started!"

Anri chuckles. "I'm sorry. I guess I just got worked up there." She explains. "How about you? Are things going well for you in school?"

Suddenly, Misa's heart raced upon hearing her question. The memories of receiving random love letters on her locker and cubby hole along with the mysterious app made it for her impossible to not blush. To which Anri caught sight of this.

"Eh- you're blushing?!" She beams, taking a more closer look at her younger sister's face. "Is it a guy from the school? Who is it? Is he a soccer player? Is he in your class? Or is he a year higher than you? Or a year younger than you? Ah! You have to fill me in on these details, Misa!"

"Well...someone has been leaving love letters inside my locker for me to read." Misa begins to say, purposefully disregarding the topic of the app from Anri. "Whoever is leaving it inside my locker must be really stealthy. They managed to slip it in without me catching them or whatsoever."

Anri smiles with her eyes closed. "Typical high school romance." She replies. "Next thing you'll know, that person will leave you a note asking for you to meet them in the back of the school or on the roof top because they'll confess to you!"

And upon hearing those almost exact words she heard from Himari also coming out from her older sister's lips, Misa's blush deepens, pursing her lips into a thin line.

"Oh...were you thinking of something else apart from confessing to you?"

"Don't give me ideas!"

Coming face to face with her cubby hole - Misa, along with Himari and Tao stare at Misa's shoe cubby hole.

"Are you ready?" Himari asks, in which Misa nods her head.

"If you're ready, open it." Tao responded.

Turning the lock of her shoe hole and twisting the metal door open, the three girls are surprised to see a white paper underneath Misa's school shoes.

Slowly extending her hand out to take the note, Misa unfolds it and begins to read, Himari's and Tao's eyes also glued on the message written neatly on the paper.

I don't need paradise because I found you. I don't need dreams because I have you.

"So cheesy." Himari comments, rolling her eyes.

"That's so sweet!" Tao gushes, cupping her cheeks with her hands. "Whoever this person is must have come to school early so he wouldn't get caught!"

All the while the three girls converse about the mysterious love letter, one in particular smiles successfully as he eavesdrops into their conversation, managing to evade and pry away before they could even catch him.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Why...are we here?" Misa asks, blinking her eyes as she sits between Himari and Tao in the occupied bleachers.

"Huh?" Tao quizzes. "Don't you want to see our school's soccer players train?" She asks. "They look so cool right now!"

"In my defense" Himari replies, pointing at Ego with her index finger. "Tao likes him but is just not telling us."

"I do not like him!" She quickly responded, the tips of her ears turning red.

They aren't the only ones seated in the bleachers, in fact, there were a lot of girls who are cheering and smiling at particular members they are eyeing on of their school's soccer team. There is only one problem as of the moment.

"I..." Misa begins to say, "don't even know any of them." She adds.

"That's because you'd always drag us to the gym and secretly watch Kohei practice." Himari responded, crossing her arms over her chest. "A change of pace helps. If you want to get rid of him from your mind, go to places you won't find him there."

As much as Misa didn't say it, Himari is right and wrong at the same time. Right because a change of pace will help her get her mind off things. Wrong because all she can ever think about from the moment she opens her eyes until they sit down on the front of the bleachers are the love letters and the Lip2Lip app.

At this moment, Misa thinks she is about to burst and go crazy.

"So handsome!"

"He's a genius both in academics and in sports!"

"My heart is fluttering!"

Out of all the girls seated in the bleachers, Misa felt like a fish out of water. Sure with the help of Tao and Himari, she'll be able to identify which of which boys are training as of the moment in the field, but if one would ask her right now if she knew anyone, all she would be able to answer is her older sister Anri and the Ego guy she recommended as head coach for the job.

But more of that later, how come the app didn't show up in the app store when she searched for it? How come there is only one person who wrote about it in a community forum website? Is the app really not that popular? Or did it work in a mysterious way she just cannot pin point?

Whatever it is, Misa needed to talk to the person who posted that article online and talk to them about the app - how it works, who it chooses and why did it chose her.

"Misa, watch out!" 

Snapping back to her senses, Misa's eyes widens in surprise as she sees a soccer ball coming right at her face. Failing to move her hands to cover her face or grab it with both hands, all she could do is to quickly react by closing her eyes and prepare herself for the impact that is about to collide and hit her.

But it didn't.

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