二十三 x 8k special reads

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an: updates have become quite inconsistent as of late because i have been going out and about. maybe for the rest of february, my update schedule is going to become rocky. maybe not just february but also march, april, so on. we'll see!


Becoming bold are we now, Misa chan? He's the second boy you've invited home!

"Shut up will you?" She mumbles under her breath, glaring at her phone as both her and Hiori have reached her house. "Don't vibrate so much! He might become suspicious of you!"

"Did you say something?" Hiori asks, averting his eyes to look at Misa.

"Nothing at all!" She happily says, giving him a smile while hiding her phone behind her back. "Would Napolitan be okay with you?"

"Anything you'd make." He replies, resuming to look around the living room all the while Misa heads over to the kitchen.

Putting on the white apron over her head and wrapping the tie around her back, she begins to take out the ingredients needed when she hears Hiori's voice speak from the living room.

"No way" He spoke, eyes locked and wide at a certain cabinet. "Kirby Star Allies and Super Smash Bros Ultimate?" He asks, voice laced with astonishment and shock.

"I don't go to cram school in the weekends so I get to play video games as much as I want." Misa replies, chuckling softly. "If you'll open that cabinet you'll find-"

"Yume Nikki and Super Mario!" Hiori finishes, grinning widely at Misa, "You play a lot of cool games."

"Thanks!" She beams to him, taking out the pasta and ketchup.

"Can I help you there?" He asks, going over to the kitchen.

"Hm" Misa hums, looking around to occupy Hiori with anything. "You can slice the sausages in bite sizes. Just make sure they're in the same  size." She adds, turning around to heat the water in the pan.

Putting the lid on top of the pan, Misa turns back around to take a look at Hiori's progress, taking a peak behind him.

"Make it a little smaller. Make it a little like this." She says, taking a step closer to him before placing her hands on top of his, guiding his hands across the knife and chopping board.

Hiori froze the moment he felt Misa's front press against back, her hands guiding him on cutting the sausages.

Slowly tilting his head to take a peak at her face, he noticed how Misa had her right cheek pressed against his arm, her lips a little close to his own.

Breath hitching and heart beating fast, he used to just leave little love letters in her shoe cubby and now he's inside her house, her hands on his. He took a mental note to tell Nanase all about it when he gets home.

"I went to Misa's house today." Hiori suddenly spoke while on a game with Nanase, gaming headphones on top of his head and microphone perched in front of his lips.

On the other line, he heard Nanase choke. "Seriously?! You really did it?"

"Yeah" He replies calmly, the dark colors and red illuminating on his face. "Shibuya is a great place to visit."

"Oh did you even sight see?" Nanase questions, chuckling. "How much is the transportation?"

"Do you really want to know?" Hiori asks, killing the enemy team with a glock 17 pistol in his character's hand. "Eleven thousand yen." He adds.

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