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From sliding down onto banana shaped swing and slide set to tasting every macaron flavor being offered, both Reo and Misa enjoyed their time at the museum's dessert exhibit. If asked what was their favorite part in the limited showcase exhibit, Misa's would have to be gigantic buttercream spongecake shaped pillows with the eclairs as beds. Whereas Reo's would be the floating umbrella's with candy cane handles.

"That was fun!" Misa beams, smiling with her eyes closed, their hands holding each others. "I enjoyed that we could try all the different desserts and even put together our own ice cream cone too!"

A soft sounding chuckle elicits Reo's lips, giving Misa's hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad you enjoyed today." He tells her, taking a quick glance at her. "I've enjoyed spending it with you too."

Reo didn't know what came into him at that moment, but it was at this point that unconsciously wrapped an arm around her shoulder, leaning his face down to place a kiss on top of her head.

Misa's heart melts as she feels Reo's arm around her shoulder and how his lips pressed on top of her head. Even Reo is surprised that he impulsively did that. Did his body wanted to do that?

"I..I just..." he stammers, removing his arm off her shoulder. "I just...you know, wished I had more time with you today." He tells her softly, eyes on the ground.

"Oh? But the day is still young and we still have plenty of time together." Misa replies, giving him a tight lipped smile.

Reo turns his head to her, blushing slightly as his face is slightly pinker than usual. His blush is a slight shade of pink that matches Misa's lips, his cheeks looking ever so slightly flushed. In fact, he keeps staring at her lips, unable to keep his eyes off them.

She slowly tilts her head down, causing her eyes to pierce into Reo's.

And Reo closes his eyes, face slowly coming closer and closer until his lips pressed onto something glossy and cherry flavored.

"Sorry!" Misa chuckles, causing Reo's eyes to immediately open and stare at her. "You'll forgive me for this little prank, right?" She grins.

It wasn't her lips that his lips are met with, rather, his lips met the glossy and candied lip shaped lollipop that tasted like cherry.

"How mean." He says, feigning hurt by placing a hand on his chest. "I'll get back at you!"

"Ack!" The dark blue haired girl squeals, immediately turning on her heels as she runs away from, entering forest like exhibit with use of various colored cotton candies.

"This is me now." Misa says, chuckling softly as she turns around to face Reo.

"Thank you so much for today. I really really enjoyed my time with you." She says, giving him a bright smile.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your time with me." He responded, a smile painted on his lips. "I had a great time with you too." He adds.

The two chuckled and just kept staring at each other. Anticipating if one or the other is going to make a move or not. Anticipating if one or the other would give a hug or initiate a first kiss.

Before Reo could even make his move towards Misa, the front door of the Teieri household door opened.

"Misa! Get inside quickly!" It was Anri, opening the door to greet her younger sister. "Dinner's- Huh?" She quizzes, eyes darting between Reo and Misa.

The two teenagers froze on their spot, like two deers caught in the headlights.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

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