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As Misa is expecting the impact of the ball to collide onto her face with her eyes closed, it never came. And so slowly as she opens her eyes to see what is happening to her surroundings, a tall male's back comes in front of her view, his hands holding onto the ball in a nick of time.

And it seemed like everything around them and between them began to move like a blur, almost like a hazy dream. Because the moment Misa lifts her head up to look at the guy who became a wall between her and the ball, he tilted his head back to take a glance at her; their eyes meeting each other's - his teal colored eyes meeting her purple colored orbs.

One second? Two seconds? Three seconds? Misa didn't know for how long they held eye contact but the moment he turned his head away from her and jogged back towards the center of the soccer field, she is pulled back to reality.

"What the hell was that?" Himari asks, her eyes wide and head thrown back.

"Misa..." Tao calls out to her, she too has her eyes wide in surprise. "How did you do that?"

"Huh?" Misa questions, turning her head both left and right to look at Himari and Tao. "What do you mean? What did I do?"

"You mean...you don't know?" Himari asks again.

"We gotta get out of here." Tao responded, taking a hold of Misa's elbow in her hand as she leans down to level her mouth to Misa's ear.

"Don't look behind you." She whispers to her.

Instead of following her best friend's word, Misa took a sneak peak over her shoulder. A lot of the girls sitting behind them on the bleachers gave her malicious and dirty looks, some even scowling at the friend group of three. Now she understood why Tao told her not to look behind her, but the entirety of it, she didn't know why they were giving her that look at all.

Running back inside the school building, the three of them walk into the quiet hallway.

"I still don't know what happened back there." Misa begins to say. "Why were they giving those kinds of looks as if I did something?"

"Because you did!" Himari irrates, stopping in her tracks as she looks at Misa.

Taken aback by her words, Misa too, stops from walking as she places a hand on her chest. "Me? What did I do? Stared at some guy-"

"Oh, but the guy isn't just some guy." Tao interrupts, stopping in her spot as she turns around to look at both Himari and Misa. "That some guy is the younger brother of the football prodigy, who is also a member of the New Generation World Eleven and a member of Royale Youth Madrid, Sae Itoshi. In short, he is Sae's younger brother, Rin Itoshi." She explains.

Sighing to herself, Himari uses her thumb to point at the football field outside with her thumb. "Rin is known to decline any kind of contact with his fangirls, sometimes even the other members of the team. Often described by others as unfriendly and blunt, for him to look at you for five seconds mean you're going to be a target of his fangirls!"

Taking all of their words, Misa blinks her eyes repeatedly, making a face. "And just because I held eye contact with him, I received those kinds of looks?" She asks, scoffing and flipping her hair back. "It's not my fault they aren't as interesting as me."

Hearing those words come out of her mouth, Himari's and Tao's eyes widened.

"That's rich!"


The three girls laughed amongst themselves, getting back on their feet and walking towards their classroom. However, their momentary of happiness was cut short when Misa's phone not only vibrated, but plays a pattern like sound in the pocket of her uniform.

"What was that?" Tao asks, turning her head around to look at what was making that sound.

Of course, Misa knows what that notification could mean. It's the app that is making it's presence known to her again. But she didn't wanted to take her phone out from her pocket, embarrassed to even mention about it to her friends.

As if sensing her embarrassment, her phone vibrated again and played the same tune but much louder, causing Himari and Tao to look at her.

"Uh...aren't you gonna take that?" Tao asks, pointing at her phone.

Misa shakes her head immediately. "That's nothing! I'm sure it's just my mom telling me to study well-" her words were cut short when the app vibrated from her pocket once more, playing the same tune again but in a much more louder volume.

Having enough, Himari takes one step forward, taking Misa's phone from her pocket and into her hand, eyebrows furrowing.

"Lip to lip?" She asks, glancing at Misa quickly. "What's lip to lip?" She asks. Tao taking a peak over her shoulder.

Now that her secret is out of the bag, Misa is left with no choice. "Come on, let's go to the rooftop. I'll explain everything there."

Instead of going back to their classroom, the three girls makes a de tour and heads towards the school's rooftop.

"And that's how it happened." Misa says, clasping her hands together.

"But that's so weird." Himari replies. "Phone apps don't just magically appear on phones without being installed."

"What I'm telling you two is real!" Misa irrates. "I don't know that app nor know how it got into my phone but it just did. Like magic."

Tao hums, holding onto her chin. "Did you hear anyone talk about it? Apart from the post on the website."

Racking her brain, Misa thought when did she hear about that app before, she knows she did, but she couldn't recall where and when.

Train. Two girls. App.

"I see now!" Misa suddenly spoke, causing Himari and Tao to look at her. "I remember going home after we had dinner together and there were two girls aboard the train with me talking about it! Apparently, one girl had the app on her phone and her friend told her to thank it because she met the love of her life!"

And then silence. Silence is what engulfed the three of them, not knowing what to say or respond after hearing Misa's words.

"What are you going to do now?" Himari asks, lifting her head up to look at Misa.

Left with call to make a decision, Misa looked back on her devastating love confession for the basketball captain that took place in the very spot she is standing on happen. Recalling his painful rejection, how he tore her love letter like how he tore her apart and left her all alone to pick up the little pieces of herself and re create herself once more.

Too broken, Misa felt like she's still torn into little pieces, left for someone else to mend her. Or when she felt like rebuilding herself again.

With the decision to either carry on and let life create a path for her based on her decisions or put not only her life but her love line on a single app that will stir her life anew, Misa knew what her response would be.

"On the count of three, you'll tell us what you have decided." Tao suddenly says, both Himari and Tao looking at a determined Misa.




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