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"Spend the night with me." She tells Rin.

Blood immediately rises to her cheeks, pursing her lips into thin line afterwards. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that!" She says, hiding her lower face with her hands.

"Like what?" Rin simply asks, looking back at her.

Does he want me to say it? Misa thinks, all the while racy and lewd after images flood her mind of the two of them inside her house. Shaking her head violently after.

"I'm not gonna lay a hand on you!"

"That's actually supposed to be my line."

Letting out a sigh, Misa stands up from her seat, fixing the lower hem of her clothing before raising her hoodie up above and over her head.

"Whatever. Stay here if you want to. I don't care. I'm going home in this downpour." She says, finality in her voice.

As Misa takes a step outside of the convenient store, she safely tucks her phone inside her pocket, beginning to take big strides going home. 

"As soon as I get home, I'll take a warm bath, eat ramen, feast on the snacks I've bought then raise my feet on top of my mom's coffee table drinking soda while watching dramas!" She triumphantly tells her plans to no one but herself in particular, feeling the rain drops falling down on her. 

"If I meet your mom, I'm telling her that."

"Ah!" Misa lets out a scream, almost losing balance as she turns around to see who was behind her.

"I thought you're still inside the store?" She asks Rin, surprised to see that he had gone out and followed her half way home.

"Just keep walking will you? Unlike you, I don't even have anything to cover my head." He replies, looking down at her.

"I hope this'll do!" She offers, standing on her tiptoes while attempting to placing her hands on top of his head.

"As if you can reach me." He responded, taking a hold of her wrist as he leads the way in walking.

"Tell me where to go and we'd save ourselves time and spare us from getting sick." Rin says.

Though it was cold and dark outside, Misa felt warm and light on the inside.

"How do you have men's shirts? Are you secretly dating?"

"Secretly dating my favorite idols and fictional men? Yes. Now be quiet or the world will know."

After a relaxing warm bath (prior to that, the two had argued which one would go first, in which Misa does) and cooking the two cup ramens she bought from the convenient store, she lays every snack on top of the coffee table, letting future Misa take and handle her mother's scolding soon.

"You can pick which one we can watch." She says, handing to him the remote control. "Personally I won't mind what you'd choose."

Rin shakes his head, taking the ramen cup and blowing the steam off. "You do the honors. I'll watch whatever you pick."

Hearing his response, Misa shrugs her shoulders as she faces the television, flipping through the channels as she dodges news, kids and home shopping channels and music stations, stopping when she sees One Missed Call in another channel.

"Why would you pick that shitty movie?" He asks, taking a quick glance at her while slurping the noodles.

"You said so yourself that I can pick whatever I want." She replies, opening a can of soda and taking a gulp. "Now suffer."

As the two teenagers eat ramen and watch the movie go on, Rin finds himself feeling much lighter on the inside. The kind of feeling when you know you aren't lifting any burden on your back and you're free to do whatever you want. And to be honest, it felt nice. Even though he knows this feeling is only temporary, he wished it would be forever.

He's not captain of the academy's soccer team. He's not the boy who about a thousand or more people will watch while in a game. He's not the boy who desires to beat his older brother through soccer.

He's just Rin Itoshi. Simple.

"What's your favorite movie?" Misa asks out of the blue in between chewing.

"Are we playing twenty one questions now?" He asks, taking a gulp of the soup.

"You're probably suffering on the inside while watching this movie." She replies, "So I thought I'll just throw questions at you."

That's not true, Rin wants to say. Though the movie really is shitty, me spending time with you is a time well spent. Is what he actually wants to say to her but couldn't.

"The Shining" He replies, taking a quick glance at her. "What's yours?"

"Little Forest" She replies. "What are your hobbies?"

"I don't have a lot. Yours?"

"Cooking and sewing" She replies, Rin suddenly coughing beside her.

"You okay? I'll go get you water." She says, getting up from her spot to get a glass of warm water from the kitchen.

"Here." She says after returning. "Wrong pipe?"

Rin hesitantly nods his head, taking the glass into his hands and taking a sip. "Sorry." He mutters, clearing his throat after.

"What's your favorite food?" He asks her.

"Ha?!" She shrieks.

"What?" Rin quizzes, looking at her with a confused expression.

Seeing his reaction made Misa think he didn't know the underlying context of the question. Made her think that the question is just a question, no other added meanings whatsoever.

"...macarons" She replies, remembering the time where Otoya asked her that question and the true meaning behind it. "You?" 

Chugging the rest of the ramen soup, Rin leans back while placing the now empty cup on the table. "Ochazuke." He says. "Do you prefer hot or cold drinks?"

"Cold drinks. What do you like to do in the weekends?"

"Practice soccer, watch horror movies, play horror video games. You?"

"Read mangas, go on long walks and bake. What are your favorite mangas?"

"Dragon Head and Shigatera. What would you do on your last day here on Earth?"

"Eat as many macarons as I want. I'll stuff myself with all the flavors the world can offer and then have the courage to kiss the boy I like."

"Do you like someone?"

"That's not fair." She says, "It's my turn to ask the question."

"Do you like someone?" Rin repeats, his words pressing down more onto her.

"Of course I don't." She replies, face scrunching as she places her now empty cup ramen on top of the table along with the chopsticks. "You're so weird. First in the school clinic and now you're-"

Falling on her back on the couch, Misa's wrists are pinned besides her head; heart racing as she looks up at Rin hovering on top of her, the movie's ending credits on the screen of the TV long forgotten.


Oho! Do I smell...a first kiss? Fufu, good luck Misa chan! Lip is cheering for your first kiss! ♡

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