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Finished with their drinks from the coffee shop, both Niko and Misa move onto their next activity - to the theater room. First period has already finished and there are students idling on the side of the hallway while there are others running in the hall. When two guys were running towards them, Niko places one hand on Misa's waist, the other ushering her towards the other side.

"You should walk in this part. You might get hit and hurt yourself." He spoke to her, immediately retracting his hands away from her. As they stood and walked down on the side of the hallway, Niko maintains a good distance between the two of them.

"Thank you." Misa replies, the two of them continuing on their path towards the theater room. 

Outside the theater room is a snack kiosk selling various snacks and drinks. The lights above the kiosk are neon light blue in color while the stand held a neon light pink, giving it a little 50's style movie theater. Halting from their tracks, Niko uses his thumb to point at the concession behind him.

"Did you want to have anything from here?" He asks her.

Behind Niko, the eight remained following closely. Hiding behind a platform as they watch the interaction between the two unfold. They went unnoticed to Misa as she has her eyes on the snack board menu of the stand.

She shook her head. "I think I'll go with just popcorn." She replies, tilting her head a little to the side as she turns to face Niko. "What about you?" It was her turn to ask.

"Popcorn sounds nice." Niko hums, resting his hands on his hips. "Is there any flavor you like?" He asks again. "Cheese? Onion? Caramel?"

"Let's just go with the caramel flavored one." She replies with a nod of her head. "Since we had coffee earlier, should I get us bottled water instead?"

"That should do." He hums. "I'll get the popcorn and water bottles. Just stay in one corner then I'll get back to you." 

Nodding her head at his words, Misa took three steps closer towards the entrance of the theater room. Holding her hands in front of her lap, the day so far has been going fairly good. Is it supposed to go really good? With what happened to her desk and the posts posted about her during her birthday, Misa fears being too much happy. If she's too happy, maybe a group of girls will vandalize her desk again. If she's too happy, maybe later tonight an anonymous person on the school's forum website would upload pictures of their blind date today but with her face terrorized.


Just how did those eight guys fall for her? Thinking about it, Hiori did seem kind of familiar to her. It's as if she knew him from before...but where? Reo is the type of guy who would go for girls who are more richer and have affluent connections in the business industry. But why did he fall for her? She isn't even a student of Aoi Academy who is active in watching soccer games of the the school. In her three years of high school, Misa has never received this kind of attention. It's overwhelming at first but now she's slowly getting used to them.


But just how did she get used to them? Thinking about it...both Nagi and Reo are her seatmates in English class, Otoya persistently hits her with cheesy pick up lines despite rejecting his advances, when Nishioka suffered an injury, it was her being invited to help Isagi finish his drills during training, Hiori would always pair up with her to play games after school, Rin consistently gives her favorite snack even when she didn't asked him to and Sae could choose any girl he wants - be it a supermodel, A list Hollywood actress or Influencer...but why...why her? It doesn't make sense.


"Huh?" Misa hums, lifting her head up, her eyes wide. In front of her, Niko stood with the caramel popcorn and two bottled waters.

"Are you okay?" He asks, concern laced in his voice. "If you're not feeling well, we can stop and go out for some air."

Misa shook her head. "I'm alright!" She chirps to him. "I only spaced out a little because I was thinking of something!" She reasons, holding his wrist. "Shall we go pick a movie together? There's four theater rooms and they're showing four different movies."

Each room showcased a movie different from the other. Room One is screening Fireworks, Room Two is screening Your Name, Room Three is screening Summer Wars and Room Four is screening Resident Evil: Vendetta. Ultimately, inside Misa would need to pick a room that would stimulate both their minds, pick a movie that they would have them guessing what the ending could be and not a dead end one. She doesn't know if he's seen it yet but she hopes he hasn't. She then came up with a conclusion.

"Let's watch Your Name." Misa picks out. "In actuality, I haven't really seen that movie but I've heard from Himari that it's a good one."

"Suits with me." Niko hums, letting himself be lead by Misa towards Room Two. Upon entering, not a lot of people are in sight. In fact, the theater room number two completely had no one else but just the two of them. As such, the air inside the room is very cold and the lights are still on. Though the space is owned by the school, the two could literally sit anywhere they want opposed to the cinema house.

"Where would you wanna sit?" Misa asks, turning her head to look at Niko. "I've heard that rows M and N is the best place to sit." She explains. Row M and N are located in the middle row, hailed as the best seating for a good movie watching experience and comfort wise.

"Sure." Niko hums, following Misa towards the middle isle of the room. The two of them climbing up a few flights of stairs before situating themselves in M row. Particularly occupying M 6 and 7. Settling themselves, Niko places the not too cold bottled water into the drinks holder, handing the bag of popcorn to Misa when his phone begins to ring. His ring tone resonating in the room.

"Huh..." Niko spoke, looking down at the screen of his phone. "Kunigami is calling me." He says, waving his phone to Misa a bit besides his head. "I'll just go out and take this." He bids, excusing himself out of Room Two.

As Niko exits the room, Misa is left alone. Opening her bottled water cap to take a sip before returning it back to the drink holder. Her right hand begins to pick up a few caramel flavored popcorn, humming delightfully at the salty and sweet taste blending inside her mouth.

And as Misa enjoys the taste of the caramel popcorn, a few hushed footsteps enters the cinema room. Making sure the sounds of their shoes not echoing on the floor. The last person entering the room closing and locking the door behind him.

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