Chapter 1

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On today's news, it has been confirmed that Stella Stevens will be playing one of the female lead roles in Wednesday.

You jumped off the couch screaming. Your friend, Olive, came running around the corner very confused. Her drink close to spilling as she ran. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?".

"Tim Burton just confirmed it, I GOT THE PART!" You screamed.

"Are you being serious?".

You turned your phone around to show her the post. Her face lit up as she finished reading it.

"Oh my god, I'm so proud of you congrats". She hugged you making sure not to spill her drink on you. " So what are you going to do now?"

"I'm not sure yet, i will just have to wait until I hear from them I guess. I can't believe I landed such a big role though, it feels like I'm dreaming." She pinched you laughing.

"Do you know who you're working with? Hopefully your co-stars are hot and then you can fall in loveeee."Olive said winking at you.

"No clue but that's not the point. We need to do something fun and celebrate".

You ran to your room changing out of your pyjamas and throwing a hot outfit on. You put a tiny bit of makeup on and fixed your hair then grabbed your wallet, ID and a bag to keep them in. Olive was still standing were you left her, confused.

You ran back and took her drink placing it on the table. She tried to take it back but you pushed her towards your room. You picked out another outfit for her to wear ushering her to change.

"I thought tonight was a chilled night in. Drinking wine, doing face masks and binging movies?" Olive questioned slightly pouting.

"We can do that any night. Tonight we're celebrating, so get dressed."

Olive got ready pretty quickly but your giddiness was getting to you and it felt like she was taking an eternity. All you wanted to do was jump, scream and dance around, anything to calm the excitement bursting from you. When she finished getting ready you dragged her out the door not giving her anytime.

Both of you headed down the busy streets of Los Angeles. Since she had already had a glass of wine and you were planning on drinking a lot, driving was out of the picture.

You and Olive stood in line for one of the many nightclubs in LA. Crowds of people were in front of you, all waiting to get in. The bouncer was checking ID's making sure people were old enough to be there, cutting up all the ID's that were fake. It was pretty funny.

Olive's patience was growing thin. She was tapping her foot with her arms crossed.
"Please just go tell them your last name or something."

"No. Could you imagine how my parents would react seeing their "daughter" out clubbing."

Both of your parents were well known actors. They met on set and instantly became close. They described it as sparks flying when they first kissed. They knew then and there that they were meant to be. In just a year the got married and had your brother, George.

George was their star pupil. He grew up being a child actor following in the footsteps of your parents. Everyone loved him, still do. All you heard growing up was George this, George that. It was exhausting.

When you were born, your parents tried to make you go down the same path he did. Only problem was no one would hire you. Soon your parents gave up and put all their focus on George. It was nice sometimes, growing up in the shadow of your brother. He had a lot more pressure and stress on him to be perfect.

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