Valentines special!!

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It's valentines day. To be exact it's the first valentines that you and Jenna have been together. She wasn't here to celebrate it with you though which sucked. She was away in Toronto filming Scream 6 and they wouldn't let her have the day off.

You decided that the best way to spend it was in your bed watching movies she was in to entertain you.

Though that was interrupted when your phone started playing Olive's ringtone.


"Get dressed I'm five minutes away from your apartment with Andi, we're going out for galentines."

"Nooo I wanted to stay in today, Jenna's not here so what's the point in going out to look at other happy couples."

"Stella Florence Evans if you don't stop sulking I swear I'm going to call your mother and make up some story so she comes here and annoys you."

"Okay, okay I'm up I swear."

"Good be there soon, love you."

"Love you too."

You hung up annoyed. She just ruined all your amazing plans for the day.

Reluctantly you got out of bed to start to get dressed, you knew you didn't have time to shower so you just done your normal skin care and brushed your teeth. You picked out a simple red dress and your white converse.

As she promised, five minutes later, Olive and Andi burst into your apartment. They bolted into your room and jumped on your bed, way too excited.

"Well hello to you two." You said watching them from your mirror.

"It's galentines bitch!" Olive screamed.

"Let's go have fun!" Andi joined in on the screaming.

"Where are we going?"

"Well first we're going to a little café to get coffee then we're just going to roll with it." Olive replies still very excited.

"Okay let's go now." You got up and started heading out knowing they were following you.

Jenna's pov

Today was the day. I was flying back to LA for the weekend to see Stella. It's meant to be a surprise since she think I'm filming all weekend. I originally was meant to be filming but I managed to convince the producers to give me the weekend off which was very difficult but it worked in the end.

I got Olive and Andi in on it since they're Stella's best friends. They're going to take her out to get coffee where I'm going to show up behind her and take her on a surprise date.

I was currently in the line to board, the flight takes just over five hours so I would get there around twelve and be with Stella for one.

Finally, it was my turn to get inside the plane. I handed the woman my ticket and walked onto the plane. I looked for my seat and put my bag under the chair, since I couldn't reach the top compartments.

I grabbed my headphones and started to play music, it was a decently long flight so I was going to take a nap to get the time to pass quickly.

Stella's pov

You were sitting in the café, waiting on your coffee being made. It was Olive and Andi facing the outside and you facing away, all in a little booth.

The bell rang signalling that someone opened the door. Not paying attention you continued talking to your friends.

Olive couldn't help but smile as she saw your girlfriend standing behind you.

"Hi baby." Jenna said from behind you

You couldn't believe it, you thought you were dreaming. You've never turned around quicker than you did just then, still in shock. "Oh my god. No way I thought you were busy, how are you here?" You got up and picked Jenna up to hug her.

"Happy valentine's my love." Jenna replied with the biggest smile on her face.

"I can't believe you're here. Happy valentine's." You said kissing her like it was the last time you ever would. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you more."

"And that's our cue." Olive and Andi started to get up.

"You guys knew! How dare you not tell me, you let me sulk!"

"We're sorry Jenna made us promise." Olive said with the biggest smile still on her face.

"I did. I did do that."

"I guess I forgive you, considering this was the best surprise I've had."

"Okay now let's go we have somewhere to be." Jenna got up dragging you with her.

"Bye liv and Andi!" You yelled out to them as Jenna took you outside.

"So where are we going again?"

"It's a surprise duh." Jenna started to run away from you.

"Wow where are you going?!" You started chasing after her.

Jenna kept running until she arrived at the park near your apartment. You eventually caught up her since she's pretty fast. You were both out of breath.

"Okay now close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you when."

"Okay, okay." She took your hands guiding you to wherever you were going.

"Okay now open." Jenna stood there surrounded with fairy lights and a picnic basket with a blanket in a little closed off corner with the sweetest smile you've ever seen.

"Oh my god, this is beautiful." You kissed her face over and over leaving her a giggling mess.

"As much as I love this I have something else for you." She sat down on the blanket pulling out flowers and a box out of the basket. "Open it."

You took the box from her and hesitantly opened it. Inside was a small locket. You opened the locket to look at it better and inside was a picture of you and Jenna kissing and on the other side was you both on your first date.

"I love it so much Jen, thank you." You started to tear up, this was the best thing anyone has ever done for you.

"Don't cry darling, it's okay." She pulled you into a hug and just held you for a bit, rubbing your back to try calm you down.

"Are you hungry? I have your favourites."

You nodded into her chest not really wanting to move. "Okay beautiful."


You and Jenna were back in your apartment. She was waiting on your bed in her favourite hoodie of yours looking for a movie for the both of you to watch.

You had hid her valentines present on the top of a shelf in your wardrobe because you knew she would never see or be able to reach it.

"Love I have something for you." You walked out of the wardrobe with it behind your back.

"Oooo gimme gimme." She started to do grabby arms suddenly very excited.

You first handed her the bouquet of tulips and then the black velvet box which had a cute little heart necklace in it with both of your initials engraved on it.

Jenna gasped when she opened the box. "ella it's gorgeous."

"Gorgeous necklace for a gorgeous girl."

"Can you put it on me?"

"Of course my love." You took the necklace and she turned around. You slowly put the necklace on her, kissing her neck to signal that you were done.

"I love you so much Stella."

"I love you so much Jen."

You fell asleep in each others arms that night not being able to stop the smile on your faces because you knew you were the happiest people on earth and you couldn't be any safer than you were with her.



All I know is it was gay asf and I'm jealous.

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now