chapter 30

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Sophie sent you your posters for Wednesday. There was the main one with you, Jenna, Hunter and Emma. There was one of just Jenna. Then, there was one of you and Jenna. There were others, but those were the only three you needed to post.

She sent you a time and a reminder to call Jenna. They were all to be posted at the same time by everyone.

You stared at Jenna's contact before pressing call. It rang a few times before she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Everything you had planned to say went out the window when she spoke. You melted at the single word, missing her voice.

"Hey." You said way too eagerly.

There was silence before she spoke up again. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?" You cringed at the formality.

"I'm well. Sorry I missed your calls yesterday."

"I'm sorry for missing yours. I was at a table read and had to go back to reading."

"Really? How did it go?" She sounded excited for you, which made you smile.

"It went great. We start filming next week. I have a dress fitting tomorrow."

"What is the movie again?"

"Don't Scream. Group of five friends head out to drink on the beach at night. They go on some private property and get into something they shouldn't have. It's supposed to be creepy."

"Who dies first?"

You laughed thinking about yesterday. "We don't know yet. It wasn't in the script. But I made a bet with a few of the people yesterday over it."

"What are they like?"

You got up from the chair and started to make coffee. You leaned your head to the side to keep the phone pressed down so it wouldn't fall. "You know Timothée Chalamet right? He's in it. He's pretty cool. Two girls named Andi and Audrey. Andi is great. Audrey... we'll see how that one goes. There's another guy named Sage. He didn't really talk much, but you should see him. He's huge. He could bench press me for fun if he wanted to."

Jenna went silent for a second. "I bet you'll have a great time with them. Sounds like a fun bunch."

"Yeah. Maybe you'll have the chance to meet them one day." You stopped all your movements to wait for her response.

"Maybe." There wasn't much hope coming from that maybe. It sounded more like a no. "Look... I don't want to beat around the bush. Is there a reason you called me?"

To apologize. To tell her you were an idiot that night. That you take everything back. "Um, I was told to remind you to post the posters from Wednesday. Do it at 5pm."

"Yeah, I will. Thanks for the reminder." You heard a door close on her side of the phone. She must be going somewhere.

"Welcome." You closed your eyes and put your head against the counter.

"Gotta go. Bye Stella."

"Bye, Jenna." You stood there with your phone pressed to your ear. There was silence again. Neither of you were hanging up, but neither of you were talking. "Hey-"

Her line cut off. She must've missed what you were starting to say. You raised your head to hit your forehead with the palm of your hand. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid."

"Why are you stupid this time?" Olive asked as she walked into your kitchen from your bedroom. She spent the night, which wasn't unusual.

You turned around with your back pressed against the cold marble. You put your phone down beside you as you crossed your arms. "Finally talked to Jenna."

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now