chapter 7

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The doorbell rang making you close your book. You jumped off of the couch and ran to the door, ecstatic for another human being to talk to finally. A pizza delivery guy stood with a smile holding a brown cardboard box in his hands.

"I didn't order any pizza."

The guy looked at the box then at you. "Says this is the address."

"Coming through. That would be mine." Jenna came in with cash in her hands. "Thank you."

The pizza guy started to walk away as he completed his job, but you shouted to grab his attention. "Would you like to come in? Hang out?"

The guy stopped and looked back at you confused. He took a look at the house as he stood still trying to figure out if he should run or accept the invitation. "Won't your girlfriend be upset that you invited a random guy inside your house?"

Your impatient smile dropped. "She's not my girlfriend."

He looked you up and down. As he licked his lips and made a start towards you, you shut the door in his face changing your mind.

You sighed as you turned around to see Jenna eating a slice of pizza watching you. "That was pathetic."

"It hasn't even been a full day with you yet and I am already losing my mind."

"So asking a complete stranger was your go to?"

"Just trying to have some decent human interaction since we can't leave this house." You headed back over to the couch where you rolled over from the back and landed on the soft cushions.

"I'm leaving in an hour."

You raised your head above the back of the couch enough to look at Jenna. "You're going to get in trouble."

Jenna smirked. "Darling are you worried about me? Do you actually have feelings?"

"Just hatred for you is all. I'm not worried for you, I'm worried for me. I don't want any repercussions of your disobedience to come onto me."

"And how would they know? Are you going to tell?"

"No. But what if someone sees you or what if whoever is supposed to stop by stops by? They haven't checked on us yet like they said they would. Could happen at any moment."

Jenna came up face to face with you. Her voice low and even, making sure you understood every word. "Then be a good girl and make something up." She winked before heading upstairs to her room.

You threw a pillow at her, but she was already upstairs before it could reach her. With a huff, you continued reading disregarding the time as it passed you by.

Jenna ran down the stairs in a hurry, dressed up nicely. "Don't wait up for me love." She quickly opened the door where Delilah stood in a pale pink dress.

"Hi Jenna."

She kissed her cheek. "Thank you for picking me up. We don't have any cars or anyway of getting around."

"No problem. Ready?"

The Latina gave her a sweet smile before nodding her head. She shut the door behind her leaving you alone in an empty house.

The day started to turn into night. The moon was slowly becoming the brightest thing in the dark sky.

You cooked dinner for yourself, expecting Jenna not to be home anytime soon or at all. Soft music played in the background as you tiptoed around. You started to pour salt into the pan when you heard three knocks from the front door. 

You marched to the door ready to be faced with the love birds. You swung the door open annoyed she didn't just walk in. "Oh um, hi."

A guy in a suit was standing in the doorway. "Hello Stella, I'm Adam. I'm here for my daily check up."

I hate you - Jenna ortegaWhere stories live. Discover now